Boston Police are warning residents to be wary around alleged HelloFresh solicitors going door to door claiming to be able to get you such a deal on ready-to-eat meals. Read more.
Cambridge Police report residents are getting calls from somebody claiming to be a Cambridge PD captain - while a siren and a police radio blare in the background - with a warning that the residents are targeted for arrest for missing jury duty but that they can fix things by depositing a large amount of money at a specific location. Read more.
Harvard lawprof Bruce Hay (seen at UHub in Is a Harvard Law professor the most gullible man in Cambridge? ) has filed a breach of contract and defamation suit against New York Magazine for allegedly misrepresenting the Shumans as predators and himself as a clueless victim. Read more.
We have all had them come to our door, call, or email us at this time of year - they’re solicitors. And while most are legitimate, some decidedly are NOT, and could even be perpetrating a scam.
So, you know those insert town name signs you see littering our lawns, parks, roadsides, etc?