By adamg - 2/27/25 - 3:35 pm

Boston Police are warning residents to be wary around alleged HelloFresh solicitors going door to door claiming to be able to get you such a deal on ready-to-eat meals. Read more.

By adamg - 12/12/24 - 11:00 pm

Cambridge Police report residents are getting calls from somebody claiming to be a Cambridge PD captain - while a siren and a police radio blare in the background - with a warning that the residents are targeted for arrest for missing jury duty but that they can fix things by depositing a large amount of money at a specific location. Read more.

By adamg - 3/5/24 - 3:18 pm

Boston Police report home-owning seniors are being targeted by larcenous alleged paving contractors who use pressure tactics to try to sign them up for what seem like cheap paving or masonry jobs that turn into expensive money-pit operations. Read more.

By Quantum Mechanic - 8/7/20 - 9:52 am

Harvard lawprof Bruce Hay (seen at UHub in Is a Harvard Law professor the most gullible man in Cambridge? ) has filed a breach of contract and defamation suit against New York Magazine for allegedly misrepresenting the Shumans as predators and himself as a clueless victim. Read more.

By ArlingtonPublicNews - 9/29/14 - 5:08 pm

We have all had them come to our door, call, or email us at this time of year - they’re solicitors. And while most are legitimate, some decidedly are NOT, and could even be perpetrating a scam.

By Brett - 11/6/08 - 5:18 pm

So, you know those insert town name signs you see littering our lawns, parks, roadsides, etc?