19-story tower proposed for edge of Bay Village 12/9/16 |
Abandoned West Roxbury gas station to be replaced by condos 12/7/16 |
Stop & Shop looks to plop 1,000 residential units on Allston site 12/7/16 |
Six-story condo building in Edward Everett Square wins approval 12/7/16 |
Lot by lot, buildings on Havre Street in East Boston getting taller 12/7/16 |
Condo building on Border Street in East Boston wins approval 12/7/16 |
Planning for the Washington Street corridor in JP, Roxbury, falls apart in typical JP fashion 12/1/16 |
MIT proposes 28-story dorm in Kendall Square 11/28/16 |
Plans to replace Forest Hills parking lot with apartments to get public airing 11/27/16 |
Homeless-children group plans major expansion on Columbus Avenue in Roxbury 11/22/16 |
Red Sox join with Fenway groups to oppose height of proposed Charlesgate building 11/21/16 |
Meeting on massive re-do of Bunker Hill project gets raucous 11/18/16 |
Hello, Helipad 11/17/16 |
Kenmore Square bank could be replaced with hotel 11/14/16 |
Watching Millennium Tower go up 11/14/16 |
Neighbors still hate proposed subdivision next to forest on JP/West Roxbury line 11/11/16 |
GE gets city nod for $200-million Fort Point HQ 11/2/16 |
Would-be Readville developer sets Sisyphean tasks for self: Fixing neighborhood traffic and commuter-rail fares 11/1/16 |