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Thai food

By adamg - 11/26/07 - 7:54 pm

Or maybe it was there all along and I just didn't know about it - until I happened to be sorting the mail the other day and noticed a menu.

In any case, Hyde Parkians don't have to go all the way up to West Roxbury, JP or Norwood for Thai anymore - unless they want a large menu to choose from. The unassuming Asian Thai Eatery, 1084 River St., is really mainly a Chinese restaurant with a few Thai dishes thrown in - don't even think of stopping by if you want pad Thai or golden cups, for example.

By adamg - 10/4/07 - 8:37 am

Pam braves all four of JP Licks' new Thai ice-cream flavors, which, yes, include pad thai:

... The ice cream is filled with short noodles, slices of green onion, chunks of peanut, and specks of cilantro. Is that a hint of garlic as well? This ended up being my favorite of the bunch because of how well it pulled off the unique combination of ingredients. I would never order this as a dessert, but for a savory snack, it was pretty tasty. ...

By adamg - 5/22/07 - 7:53 am

The Herald claims it may be an urban legend, but Harry Mattison wonders which Thai restaurant in Allston has a basement refrigerator stocked with new stem cells.

By adamg - 4/23/07 - 12:57 pm

Seth Gitell reports that Saluté, Roslindale's latest cute little Italian bistro, has been sold and is now Geoffrey's, Roslindale's latest cute little American bistro:

They will also offer a weekend brunch menu, which is something the Square could use.

Roslindale Ed. note: Brunch? Did somebody say brunch?!? I am so there.

Gitell also has news of chef/menu changes at Bangkok Cafe.

By adamg - 10/6/06 - 6:08 pm


Who'da thunk it? Centre Street in West Roxbury now has two places to get Thai food - Thai Spice (really more of a take-out place than a sit-down restaurant) and Phuket, which recently opened where Cafe Le Royal used to be (1856 Centre St.).

Nancy and I went to Phuket for lunch today. It shows promise, but could use a bit of work.

By adamg - 10/21/05 - 1:13 pm

The last few times I've been to Bangkok Cafe, there haven't been very many diners. Today, I went to order some chicken massaman curry for lunch. There was nobody in the dining room. When I went back 15 minutes or so later to pick it up, still no people. Unless they're doing a land-office catering business, that's not a real good sign. Oh, well.

Some people say the quality's gone downhill since it opened (see the last review); the limited number of dishes I tend to order (basically, chicken massaman curry and more chicken massaman curry) still taste good.

By adamg - 4/27/05 - 9:47 pm

Bangkok Cafe is, finally open, and now my Rozzie experience is complete. Stopped by tonight for some takeout - chicken massaman curry and golden cups. It's only been open since Saturday and yet the place was near full - shows you how truly desperate we were for a Thai restaurant (OK, OK, I shouldn't project my eagerness onto the 29,999 other people in the neighborhood).

By adamg - 4/22/05 - 2:31 pm

Nice wooden sign with shmancy lights

Those of you who live in more enlightened neighborhoods (i.e., JP and points north) would probably be shocked to hear that Roslindale doesn't have a single Thai restaurant. I know, I know, it's been just a terrible burden.

For the past several months, a genteel "Bangkok Cafe" sign has taunted us above a storefront on Poplar Street in Rozzie Square. It was beginning to look as if the place would never open (that maybe they'd spent so much on the sign, they had nothing left for pots, pans and cooks).

Now, I'd promised Greta we'd go out for lunch today. As we were wandering around, trying to come up with something we could both agree on (her:  no Albanian, no Middle Eastern, no West African, no Chinese, no pizza; Me: no Friendly's, no Applebee's), I noticed the paper was gone from the windows of Bangkok Cafe and the lights were on.

Of course, we pulled over as soon as we could and walked over. No, they're not open yet, but there were workers in there, um, working on things. There were Thai Buddhas in the windows. There were tables covered with maroon table cloths. THERE WERE PLEATHER-BOUND MENUS ON A STAND BY THE DOOR!

Oh, this is looking good!

Then we went to Wapo Taco where I got a burrito and taco chips and after that, we drove over to Burger King for a chicken kid's meal for the kidlet (BK fries are not half bad when doused in cheddar-cheese sauce).

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