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By adamg - 6/29/20 - 11:44 am

At 11:18 a.m., Derek Lumpkins reported his lights flickered twice in Roxbury. Nicole Levay reported same, in downtown Boston, at 11:15 and 11:16. Reports of double flickering also came in from Hyde Park, JP and Brookline.

By adamg - 6/26/20 - 9:34 am
Fallen pole in Roxbury

The pole and the car. Photo by BFD.

The Boston Fire Department reports that shortly after 6:30 p.m., a utility pole at Gerard and Kemble streets could stand gravity no longer and cracked, the high-voltage transformer at the top plunging to the ground, turning a nearby car and a street-sign pole into electrical conduits and disgorging its insulating mineral oil all over the place.

Eversource and a company that specializes in hazardous-waste cleanups were called in.

By adamg - 4/12/20 - 9:29 pm

Well, we might see power outages tomorrow, but for some reason, National Grid decided to e-mail its Boston gas customers and tell them to call National Grid should their power go out, which would be a waste of everybody's time, since National Grid doesn't provide electricity in Boston and it's Eversource you want to contact should your power go out.

By adamg - 2/12/20 - 3:55 pm

The utility reports:

Scammers are calling customers to say they need to pay $400 to have a new meter installed in order to avoid having their power shut off. This is NOT us. If you ever question a phone call or encounter, call us at 877-659-6326 (West MA) or 800-592-2000 (East MA)

By adamg - 1/30/20 - 11:15 am

Eversource estimates restoration time of 12:30 for the roughly 630 businesses and homes without power in the Forest Hills/Bourneside area, who lost their lights around 10:40 a.m.

By adamg - 1/25/20 - 11:21 am
Pole on car in Cambridge

Cambridge Police report they are investigating what cause several utility poles on Washington Street, between Portland and Windsor streets, to crash to the ground and take out power to 138 neighboring homes late last night. Read more.

By adamg - 1/21/20 - 2:14 pm

Eversource reports nearly 3,000 Boston customers have lost power, clustered along Brighton and Commonwealth avenues, outbound from Packards Corner.

By adamg - 1/18/20 - 6:50 pm

As of 6:45 p.m., Eversource reported 2,997 customers without power in Boston. Jacob Oppenheim reports a good number of those are in the South End:

Kinda eerie and beautiful in the snowstorm.

By adamg - 1/1/20 - 1:32 pm

An Ipswich man is suing six companies, including the locally well known Direct Energy, for what he says has been an unceasing flood of phone calls asking him to switch his energy provider. Read more.

By adamg - 12/24/19 - 10:48 am
Tree limb just hanging in air

A concerned citizen files a 311 report about the situation on Aldworth Street in Jamaica Plain: Read more.

By adamg - 10/9/19 - 11:55 am

Boston firefighters are at Washington Street and Bexley Road, near Healy Field, where a manhole burst into flames around 11:50 a.m., shorting out power in surrounding blocks. Eversource's attendance has been requested.

By adamg - 9/30/19 - 5:24 pm

John Godfrey reports he and other Forest Hills residents are struggling to understand how a planned Neversource repair outage that was supposed to end by morning, then by 6 p.m.. is now scheduled to end at midnight - 21 hours after it started.

City Councilor Matt O'Malley (Jamaica Plain/West Roxbury) says he shares residents' "frustration with the lack of communication throughout the day," but says that long term, the work will mean fewer problems in the future.

By adamg - 7/11/19 - 9:19 am
Part of Dorchester in the dark after manhole explodes

Lindsey_ericax shows us Train and King streets in Dorchester after a manhole exploded around 11 p.m. on Wednesday.

By adamg - 6/29/19 - 9:35 am

Joe LaRusso reports the storm, which moved in around 7 a.m., knocked out power to roughly 2,700 homes and businesses in Roslindale and West Roxbury.

By adamg - 5/13/19 - 9:43 am

The Cambridge Fire Department reports firefighters are at 282 Sidney St., awaiting an Eversource crew to deal with a gas-line break there.

By adamg - 3/9/19 - 1:24 pm
Big, really, giant wheel making a turn in South Boston

Eileen Murphy watched a big wheel making a turn on East 1st Street this morning. It was headed towards the Reserved Channel, where Eversource is building a new engergy conduit to the Deer Island sewage-treatment plant, which it had to install after the federal government and Massport sued it (and the MWRA) because the original one wasn't buried deep enough and would have caused problems for the dredging ordered by the Army Corps of Engineers to allow bigger ships to dock at the Conley Terminal. Read more.

By adamg - 2/25/19 - 2:23 pm
Downed light pole at Hynes Field in West Roxbury

Daniel Guzman reports he was walking through Hynes Field in West Roxbury around 11:30 a.m., when this light pole came crashing down in a gust of wind. "Scared the crap out of me," he says. Read more.

By adamg - 1/15/19 - 6:12 pm

One thing the Trump shutdown didn't end was a plan by the Army Corps of Engineers to set off explosives at the bottom of Boston Harbor tomorrow to deepen a shipping channel. It took a judge to do that. Read more.

By adamg - 10/27/18 - 3:44 pm

Reports of power outages along Centre Street in the area of West Roxbury Parkway are coming in. Even the Starbucks on Centre Street was forced to close.

By adamg - 9/17/18 - 11:21 pm

City Councilors Matt O'Malley, Ed Flynn and Ayanna Pressley will seek permission from their fellow councilors on Wednesday for a hearing to consider the safety of Boston's natural-gas networks - and whether steps can be taken to make it even safer. Read more.

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