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Ova the bridge

The rest of the world, to a Gloucester resident. Refers to the A. Piatt Andrew Bridge, which connects Cape Ann to North America: "You gotta be kiddin', you actually expect him to go ova the bridge to find a job?!?"
W. Olson



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Ova the bridge is definitely refering to the cape cod bridges...

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Way back when I was living down Cape, I had a friend who was asked to be best man at a wedding in New Yawk. He refused because he didn't want to go ova the bridge ---- the Bass Rivah Bridge, that is!

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Sorry to disagree but this definitely originated in Glosta. There are some people in Glosta who see absolutely no point in leaving Glosta or going ova the bridge or up the line (Rte. 128). And why would they, when Glosta has everything anyone could possibly want (the ocean, beautiful beaches, great restaurants, a movie theater, St. Peter's Fiesta, etc.)? The Gloucester Daily Times actually had a contest once to see who had gone the longest without going ova the bridge. I forget who won, but they hadn't left the island in years.

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Lemme tell ya--them Codders think any place ova the bridge is the Forbidden Zone. It's even worse if they hafta go to The City: my brother was traumatized when he had to ride the T to Fenway.

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Real locals are wary of even crossing the Cut, meaning the narrow channel that makes Gloucester an island. I once heard some Glo-Chicks talking about a kid who was wanted by the cops and was hiding Out West, meaning West Gloucester, maybe three miles away.

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The part of Savin Hill that's across 93 from whichever part of Savin Hill is "your" part.

(I think this can be used for any insular community that involves a bridge somewhere nearby.)

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