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Hyde Square

By adamg - 5/26/11 - 2:04 pm

The Jamaica Plain Gazette reports the Jamaica Plain Laundry Centre, across from where the Hi-Lo used to be, is shutting down this weekend rather than pay a rent increase that could be as much as 200%.

By adamg - 4/29/11 - 4:26 pm

The Jamaica Plain Gazette reports from the front: The Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Development Corp. is thinking of renting space on Centre Street to a Latino-focused market - that could employ 50 people - but the city-sponsored Hyde/Jackson Square Main Street program says that with ten bodegas already in the area, one of the last things the neighborhood might need is another bodega.

The Gazette also recalls the last time a large grocery chain set up shop on Centre Street.

By adamg - 4/2/11 - 6:23 pm
Pooh and Tigger have a pillow fight

Rob Sheppard witnessed the carnage at the annual pillow fight on Cambridge Common today.

Tigger photo posted under this Creative Commons license.

By adamg - 3/22/11 - 10:52 am

Boston Police report arresting a Charlestown man on charges he used a bolt cutter to break into the Checkcashers store at 362 Centre St. in Hyde Square.

Police say they arrested Brett G. Callahan, 20, of Charlestown on the roof of the store shortly after 2 a.m. when he attempted a rooftop getaway. Although officers were able to keep him from trying out any parkour skills, they needed help from the Boston Fire Department to get him down from the roof, police say.

By adamg - 3/15/11 - 12:02 am

Hyde Square sign

Mark reports his wife took this photo in the Whole Foods in Brighton. He adds:

By adamg - 2/1/11 - 8:21 am

The Jamaica Plain Neighborhood Council and Hyde Jackson Square Main Streets will host a community meeting on Feb. 8 "to discuss what the arrival of Whole Foods means for JP and the Hyde/Jackson neighborhood."

By adamg - 1/1/11 - 11:23 am

Some fire spinners from the Haven (Boston's only Scottish pub) went for a Hogmanay walk around JP's Hyde Square last night.

Video by Shawneholland.

By adamg - 12/6/10 - 10:13 am

The Supreme Judicial Court hears arguments Thursday on a Jamaica Plain drug bust that could affect future cases involving people stopped for possible possession of small amounts of marijuana.

By adamg - 7/25/10 - 4:35 pm

Somebody was shot around 2:30 p.m. outside Tacos El Charro, 349 Centre St. in Hyde Square, according to tweets from Firephoto161 and Patty Neal (who posted a photo of the scene).

By adamg - 7/15/10 - 11:38 am

Yvonne Abraham tears into Mordechai Levin, the owner of the properties where Bella Luna and June Bug used to be. One wonders if she'll follow up with a column about Levin's former partner, Stavros Frantzis, who helped redevelop a good part of Centre Street and Roslindale Square (where he also faced accusations of leaving storefronts vacant too long, but that's another story).

By adamg - 6/12/10 - 11:03 am

Piecing this together from a tweet by Lindsay Crudele and mail from a Perkins Street resident. Around midnight, Crudele reported:

hyde sq crash; 1 guy tore arnd rotary, crashed his car, police saw so he took off running, left his car in the road.

Our e-mail correspondent then picks up the story:

By adamg - 1/29/10 - 10:29 am

The Boston Licensing Board yesterday voted to grant a beer-and-wine license to Wee Angel, a Scottish bistro proposed for the site of the old Zon's in Hyde Square. The pub is also seeking a license from a separate city board for acoustic music. More on Wee Angel.

By adamg - 3/22/09 - 1:06 pm

As I type this, Joseph Porcelli is livestreaming the JP landmark's move seven blocks to a new home (the parade kicks off at 2). He reports 300 or 400 people are already there.

By adamg - 3/6/09 - 4:36 pm

The Jamaica Plain Gazette posts the good news.

By adamg - 10/17/08 - 2:29 pm
Rectory on the move

Donna Dee took this picture today on Centre Street in Hyde Square, where builders were getting ready to move the old Blessed Sacrement rectory to a new location on the site of what will become a series of low- and moderate-income residential units, retail space and a private, non-profit school.

More details on the project.

By adamg - 5/14/08 - 1:37 pm

Promo for a documentary by the Hyde Square Task Force's Health Career Ambassadors on youth violence in Boston:

Info on the documentary's premiere, May 29 at the John D. O'Bryant African-American Institute, Northeastern University.

By adamg - 7/5/07 - 11:18 am

Liz writes that the Hyde Square Task Force could win a $100,000 grant if enough people click in a competition that begins July 9. Hey, if you can do it for Hideki, do it for Hyde Square (and no cracks about what this says about the state of American philanthropy that it's been reduced to popularity contests).

By adamg - 7/1/07 - 1:05 pm

Elizabeth Albritton noticed an interesting sign at a Hyde Square tree where a bike used to be chained (e-mail address is not blanked out on the actual paper):

Takes bike, but leaves e-mail address in case the owner wants to claim the bike that had gone unclaimed for three months
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