Filled in hole at Dedham parking lot
By adamg - Tue, 10/03/2017 - 11:45am

Yesterday, David White took to Twitter to complain about the large and growing potholes in the parking lot of the Dedham Corporate Center parking lot on the Franklin Line. This morning, as you can see above, White arrived to find the holes filled.

Big potholes in Dedham
By adamg - Mon, 10/02/2017 - 9:30am

David White provides the proof that the potholes/craters at the Dedham Corporate Center parking lot have gotten out of hand.

By adamg - Fri, 09/15/2017 - 7:44pm

Transit Police report an outbound Franklin Line train hit and killed somebody who was on the tracks at the Cedar Street bridge around 6:15 p.m.

Foul play is not suspected.

By adamg - Fri, 02/03/2017 - 8:53pm

Transit Police report a 50-year-old woman was hit and killed by an outbound Franklin Line train near the Guild Street bridge around 8:20 p.m.

Foul play is not suspected.

By adamg - Fri, 11/04/2016 - 6:08pm

The T reports:

Franklin Train 722 (5:04 pm inbound) has departed Forge Park/495 & is operating 50-60 min late due to the rescue of disabled Train 720.

Read more.

By adamg - Thu, 05/12/2016 - 4:36pm

Peter Wilson reports the Franklin Line's newfound slowness is due to the way somebody drove a cement truck into a bridge carrying the line in Walpole.

By adamg - Mon, 03/14/2016 - 5:24pm

East Street, specifically. Delays now piling up on the Franklin Line.

By adamg - Tue, 02/02/2016 - 5:22pm

Transit Police report a man on the tracks near Endicott station was fatally struck by a Franklin Line train around 4:20 p.m.

UPDATE: WBZ reports he was 13.

By adamg - Fri, 01/08/2016 - 8:29am

A Franklin Line train sits motionless just past Dedham Corporate Center this morning, with no lights and conductors getting all Sgt. Schultz on the riders (they know nothing! Nothing!). Riders know what's happening only because the T is thoughtfully tweeting alerts these days. Or as Chuggies puts it:

Can you tell the conductors to share this info ON the train!! Why do I have to scour twitter to find out why we are stopped?!?!

By adamg - Tue, 11/17/2015 - 5:23pm

Tl;dr: Blame the dreaded wheel slip and compressor fault failure for a cascading series of delays on the Franklin Line yesterday morning.

Swastika at Endicott on the Franklin Line in Dedham
By adamg - Wed, 10/07/2015 - 8:24am

UPDATE, 10:05 a.m. The MBTA reports a crew has removed the swastika.

Scotteric wasn't too happy when he got to the Endicott stop on the Franklin Line this morning.

Dammit Dedham, we're better than that!

The T replied it would get Keolis to send out a cleanup crew ASAP.

By adamg - Fri, 08/14/2015 - 3:37pm

Franklin and Needham Line service was shut for about 20 minutes as Boston Police pursued a burglary suspect who kept running across the train tracks south of Canterbury Street around 3 p.m. Officers swarmed both sides of the tracks for the suspect, who eventually tried to make good his escape through wooded yards on the Roslindale side - only to be caught by Transit Police officers who had arrived to help out.

By adamg - Mon, 03/02/2015 - 11:18am

Around 11 a.m., by a freight train on the Franklin Line, just past the Norwood Central station. The woman, in her 50s, was taken to the nearby Norwood Hospital in serious condition, Transit Police report.

By adamg - Mon, 11/03/2014 - 9:09am

A faltering Franklin Line train finally started pushing up daisies just before Readville, where people who are very aware they just renewed their passes for November are currently waiting for another train to push them into South Station. People on that train aren't too happy, either.

By adamg - Mon, 09/08/2014 - 6:23pm

UPDATE, 6:40 p.m.: Transit Police gave Keolis the OK to resume normal operations through the area.

By adamg - Tue, 07/01/2014 - 7:43am

Nice day for fare increases and a new operator, but you can't blame this on the T: Around 6:15 a.m., the driver of a lobster truck managed to wedge his truck firmly into the train bridge at East Street and Carroll Avenue, just before the Islington stop. All sorts of delays on the inbound Franklin Line, of course.

There are also delays on the Providence/Stoughton Line.

By adamg - Tue, 06/24/2014 - 6:51pm

According to T alerts, Needham, Providence and Franklin Line riders who just want to go home are currently delayed due to "congestion."

MBCR explains that, in this case, "congestion" means an outbound Amtrak train was mistakenly switched onto the Needham tracks, which is sort of like the train equivalent of a truck trying to get on Storrow Drive, given that Amtrak trains use electric power and the Needham Line, well, doesn't.

By adamg - Tue, 02/25/2014 - 7:22am
I can't keep calm! I ride the F***ing MBTA!

For a change, no train died on the Red Line. Instead, signal problems at Alewife are making life a living hell for riders.

The 7 a.m. train out of Franklin left this vale of tears in between stations.

Poster via Christine Wilson, who is getting to know the Red Line better than she wants.

Packed Sullivan Station on the MBTA's Orange Line
By adamg - Thu, 01/23/2014 - 7:27am

UPDATE: The Blue Line joined the party shortly before 10 a.m., when a train ascended to Valhalla at Wonderland.

Dead inbound train at Quincy Center would be harshing the mellow of Red Line commuters this morning if they weren't busy concentrating on staying warm. An Orange Line train could only make it to Back Bay before departing this mortal coil, but riders from the north also got to enjoy today's frosty climes. A dead trolley somewhere past Kenmore is causing ish on the Green Line.

An inbound train on the Franklin Line decided Norfolk was too good a stop to pass up. Erich Haberman reports from the train behind that one:

7am at Norfolk now. Train's lights/air are off and we appear to be ramming the disabled train while attempting a rescue.

Meanwhile, at South Station, somebody got stuck in an elevator between the Red and Silver lines.

By adamg - Mon, 01/06/2014 - 4:52pm

Trains on the Worcester, Fairmount and Franklin lines have been cancelled this afternoon because of what MBCR says is "a shortage of equipment."