Yeah, City Hall sucks and yeah, the South Boston waterfront is just so buildalicious, and yeah, the city might get $300 million for the old building. But a key point of a city hall is accessibility to the people who pay for it. Does a City Hall reachable only by bus meet that criterion?
Tommy Von: haha. E-Z access out there:
I'm sure everyone would be thrilled to take the silver line everyday.
David Bernstein: "But think of the view from the Mayor's office!
Atlrvr might be willing to consider the move if the building became a great public space:
I just have a problem taking city hall out of the center of the city, where it is easily accessible to most everyone, and sticking it somewhat out of the way. It seems like the city is so committed to the South Boston Waterfront (BRA's aggressive entitlement, new courthouse, relocated ICA, new Conventrion Center, etc....) but they fail to take the most basic aspect into account. ACCESSIBILITY!!!! ...
John Keith: Menino hits the bottle, big time.
Matt Margolis can't stand City Hall, but doesn't want to see more waterfront space given over to government buildings.
Bruce wonders why this is news:
Boston City Hall, the Massachusetts State House and the Attorney General's office have been for sale for decades now.
But Ian offers five reasons to move City Hall, including:
Because we will finally be able to get rid of a building which is quite possibly The Worst Example Of Public Archetecture In The Whole Entire World.