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The T

By adamg - 2/4/12 - 1:38 pm


Photographynatalia took this photo of the shadows at the Red Line stop the other day.

Copyright Photographynatalia. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.

By adamg - 2/2/12 - 4:32 pm

Giants suck

At least, we're assuming this guy got his unique jacket on Etsy - just look at that fine handcrafted design!

By adamg - 2/1/12 - 3:53 pm

The Dorchester Reporter reports on an incident Monday night in which a man was assaulted by two men who also yelled "racial and homophobic slurs" at him near the Butler Street stop - and then tried to pull him off the trolley.

By adamg - 2/1/12 - 3:14 pm

Also see: Riders of the Hull ferry talk about the proposed end of their commute:

By adamg - 2/1/12 - 11:31 am

WilsonA Quincy man was arrested at Ashmont station yesterday after a passenger on an arriving 215 bus from Quincy reported he'd been masturbating on the trip.

By adamg - 1/31/12 - 6:43 pm

Update, 7:25 p.m.: One track was cleared and limited train service through Ruggles resumed.

Commuter-rail and Amtrak service through Ruggles is stopped as transit and fire officials investigate a fatal train-vs-person collision on the inbound side this evening. The T is describing it as a "trespasser strike."

Dan Esdale reports his outbound train to Franklin stopped, then headed back to South Station.

By adamg - 1/31/12 - 7:59 am

The Globe reports the mayor wants the legislature to raise the gas tax or find some other way to help out the debt-ridden MBTA, rather than letting its riders founder.

The Conservation Law Foundation, meanwhile, is decrying the state's current position that riders can choose steep fare hikes or massive service cuts:

By adamg - 1/29/12 - 6:05 pm

The Metro reports on the imminent arrival of a Web site that will let you take pictures of people on the T, then post them for everybody's amusement sober assessments. The founders of Boston T Crush, based on sites they have up in London and New York, promise it will be "complimentary" rather than "creepy" and say Bostonians are getting a special treat - ours will be the first site to devote space to the ladies.

By adamg - 1/27/12 - 9:35 am

The Metro reports Transportation Secretary Rich Davey is looking at some new possible options for preserving existing T services, including charging higher fares during rush hour.

By adamg - 1/27/12 - 8:16 am

Nancy Parker, 53, will be arraigned in Suffolk Superior Court today on charges she faked an attack on her MBTA bus in Chelsea, then collected worker's compensation.

Parker, of Burlington, is formally charged with worker's compensation fraud, misleading an investigator and filing a false report for the Oct. 2, 2007 incident on a 111 bus, the Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports. The T fired her after they learned of discrepancies in her claim, the DA's office says.

By adamg - 1/26/12 - 9:42 pm

The East Boston Times-Free Press reports the station will be completely replaced by the spring of 2014 and that work to begin later this year will mean the station will be shut for six months and that buses will replace trains past Airport on weekends for four months.

By adamg - 1/26/12 - 4:00 pm

Karin posts an ode to her early commute today.

By adamg - 1/25/12 - 2:45 pm

KaneKaneA conductor on the Old Colony Line confronted a man he says stole another rider's wallet - and got him to turn over the woman's wallet and money.

Steven Kane, 34, of Bridgewater, was arrested on a charge of larceny from a person around 5 p.m. yesterday at the Lakeville/Middleboro commuter-rail stop, the MBTA reports. According to the T, a 53-year-old woman awoke from a nap as the train pulled into the station and noticed her purse was open and her wallet gone. A woman sitting behind her pointed to Kane:

By adamg - 1/24/12 - 8:13 pm

The MBTA will ban alcohol ads in stations and on trains and buses starting July 1, the Globe reports.

By adamg - 1/24/12 - 1:58 pm

Platinum couple MBTA Transit Police report arresting a Fall River couple on charges they stole catalytic converters off cars parking in commuter lots in Hanson and Halifax last night.

Dennis and Tina Fager, 39 and 37, were only charged with the three catalytic converters police found them with, but said they could be responsible for as many as 100 converter grabs on the South Shore.

Police say detectives who had staked out the Hanson commuter-rail parking lot due to a spate of recent converter thefts spotted the couple drive into the lot around 4:15 p.m. yesterday, just after an inbound train departed the station:

By adamg - 1/24/12 - 8:12 am

WBUR reports on packed hearings yesterday on the state's plans to cut service and raise fares on the MBTA:

There appears little support on Beacon Hill for a funding alternative to the fare hikes and service cuts.

Don't look to Deval Patrick for any leadership on the issue: His state of the state address didn't mention the T crisis once, unless you count a glancing reference to our "crumbling infrastructure."

By adamg - 1/23/12 - 9:47 am

T ad campaign that started last year.T ad campaign that started last year.

Ed. note: Percentage adjusted due to error in figures originally provided by the T.

Latest crime stats from the MBTA show that property crimes, such as larceny, increased 26% on the regional transportation system in 2011 over the year before.

Smart phones, bicycles and catalytic converters on cars parked in station lots account for much of the increase, the T says in a statement:

By adamg - 1/22/12 - 3:20 pm

MBTA police tweet

A roving UHub tweeter forwarded this Twitter screen capture during the pre-game show today. Needless to say, the tweet is no longer online.

By adamg - 1/22/12 - 12:12 pm

Save the T buttons by the T Riders Union.Save the T buttons by the T Riders Union.

By adamg - 1/18/12 - 5:22 pm

The Patriot Ledger reports.

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