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By adamg - 8/18/11 - 1:43 pm

Hughes A man arrested but never tried for stabbing and spitting on a man on a 39 bus in Jamaica Plain in 2004 will finally face charges after police tracked him to his new home in Roxbury.

Michael Hughes, 64, never went before a jury because not long after his arrest, he was turned over to Maryland authorities to face trial on charges he killed a man preparing Christmas baskets for the poor in 1974. Convicted of second-degree murder in 2005, he spent three years in a Maryland prison, then at some point after his release came back to Boston.

According to a report by MBTA Transit Police, Hughes went berserk on a 39 bus at South and Centre streets around 4 p.m. on Sept 5, 2004 when he thought the "openly gay" man behind had deliberately kicked his seat. He allegedly whipped out a knife and began slicing the man's arm as he also spit at him and began screaming anti-gay epithets at him.

Boston Police first noticed Hughes was back in town last fall, Transit Police report: A Boston Police detective noticed a man he thought was Hughes in a homeless shelter on Massachusetts Avenue in November.

But Hughes evaded the two police forces until yesterday, when the same detective spotted him entering 6 Hartford St. in Roxbury. He alerted Transit Police, who found a default warrant for the 2004 attack and sent several detectives and officers to the address yesterday afternoon.

Police say Hughes tried to slip out the back door and then by denied any knowledge of the 2004 incident or of the alias he used at the time. His tattoos and physical characteristics, however, did him in, police report.

Innocent, etc.

By adamg - 8/18/11 - 8:30 am

The Herald reports conductors on a post-Mac Miller commmuter-rail train pleaded with cops in Winchester for help with the punch-throwing rebels without a cause, but none would board the train in the 45 minutes until Transit Police could arrive, demanding to know why the train crew hadn't asked for help in Somerville or Medford.

By adamg - 8/12/11 - 1:09 pm

PaulMBTA Transit Police report arresting a man they say was about to sell some drugs at the JFK/UMass Red Line stop yesterday evening.

Robert Paul, 36, of Roxbury, was allegedly packing meth, pot, heroin, oxycodone and diazepam when two officers interrupted him and a potential buyer near a Columbia Road exit gate around 7:30 p.m. He also had a portable digital scale, a glass pipe and 13 spare plastic bags, along with a folding knife and $237 in cash, police say.

Because the station sits next to the Boston Collegiate Charter School, he will be charged with a variety of offenses in a school zone. He is also wanted on a parole violation in Concord, NH, where he was convicted of armed robbery, police say.

By adamg - 8/12/11 - 9:32 am

Commuters on a Needham-Line train report they've now been sitting outside South Station for more than 30 minutes thanks to a dead engine.

Scott Katz tweets:

Waiting for push into station - could spit and reach platform now but stuck here going on 30 minutes.

Aaron Perrino adds:

If that fails they are going to send a pick up truck to save us.

By adamg - 8/11/11 - 9:12 am

Alison Thompson reports part of a conversation she overheard on the Orange Line this morning:

"I used to live in the woods. I got attacked by a turkey."

"Me too, but not in the woods."

"What was his name?"

By adamg - 8/9/11 - 9:58 am

Goofus gets into a beef with the driver of a 39 bus in JP, pushes him and throws coins at him and now could be looking at A&B charges.

Gallant is sitting on a bench by City Hall chatting with a friend when he notices a very confused tourist couple pulling suitcases exit the Orange Line and hesitantly start toward City Hall, prompting him to ask "You guys lost?" and getting them pointed in the right direction, toward Downtown Crossing.

By adamg - 8/6/11 - 1:29 pm
Screaming Jesus Guy at Ruggles

Repent, ye Orange Line sinners!

Melissa J. Gibson spotted Repent Now Man on the Orange Line.

Copyright Melissa J. Gibson. Posted in the Universal Hub pool on Flickr.

By adamg - 8/5/11 - 1:56 pm

Scott MooreA Brookline man was arrested at Kenmore station last night on charges he grabbed a teen's crotch on the crowded platform following the Red Sox game.

By adamg - 8/4/11 - 10:47 pm

Inspectors and police at Hyde Park stationInspectors and police at Hyde Park station, a few feet from tarps covering remains.

UPDATE: Victim identified as Hyde Park man.

An Acela train barreling through Hyde Park station struck and killed somebody around 10:30 p.m. The engineer immediately applied emergency brakes, but it still took several blocks for the train to come to a stop - just on the other side of the West Street bridge, well north of the station.

More than 100 passengers sat on the train for more than two hours beside beside a wall painted with "Welcome to Boston," while outside, police and firefighters also waited, to help transfer passengers to a promised relief train from South Station that never came.

"The train crew haven't announced what happened, but passengers told them we read about what happened on Twitter," Jesse, a passenger on the train reported.

He added that the train "coasted to a stop with a burning electrical smell that I presume was the brakes. AC was off for a few, then kicked back on."

At 12:45 a.m., after an inspector took one last look around the train, the engineer sounded its horn twice and the train took off for Back Bay and South Station.

Meanwhile, back at the Hyde Park commuter-rail stop, investigators continued to examine the tracks and put down evidence cones along the inbound platform. Three white tarps covered remains along the center tracks.

Flashing police and fire lights cast an unusual glow on the stopped Acela train.Flashing police and fire lights cast an unusual glow on the stopped Acela train.

By adamg - 8/4/11 - 7:50 pm

Bill James, yeah, the baseball-stats Bill James, claims Albert DeSalvo wasn't the Boston Strangler and that whoever the killer was used what's now the Green Line to get to and from the murder sites - all of which he says are steps from trolley stops.

James's non-baseball book.

By adamg - 8/4/11 - 9:54 am

Channel 5 tweets that MBTA General Manager Rich Davey will replace state Transportation Department Secretary Jeff Mullan next month. As head of MassDOT, Davey will assume responsibility for highways across the state, including the turnpike and the ever popular Big Dig.

By adamg - 8/3/11 - 10:55 pm

Rob V. checks in from the Other Coast:

I'm sitting in a terminal at LAX and wishing I was waiting for the Silver Line.

I hate the Silver Line.

I love my family in LA, but I hate this city so much that I wish I was on the Silver Line right now...

By adamg - 8/3/11 - 9:43 am

RyanMBTA Transit Police report arresting a woman they say punched her infant son hard enough to make his mouth bleed on a 23 bus yesterday afternoon.

According to police, when fellow passengers on the bus "expressed their concern for the well being of the child," Erica Ryan, 25, told them to mind their own business.

Police say Ryan told responding officers that "I was trying to feed my baby on the crowded bus, then my hand slipped and I hit him in the mouth."

But fellow passengers told a different story:

By adamg - 8/3/11 - 9:05 am

The Herald reports on several "sacked MBTA punks" whom arbitrators ordered the T to hire back. In the case of the sleepy coke user - fired less than a month after a fatal trolley crash in Newton - the arbitrator found the drug test violated her privacy rights by ordering a drug test.

By adamg - 8/2/11 - 7:38 pm

Joe Curtatone is not the least bit thrilled at the news that end date for the Green Line extension through Somerville has become asymptotic:

By adamg - 8/2/11 - 6:01 pm

The T reports "an electrical power surge due to weather" is causing problems with outbound commuter-rail trains at South Station.

By adamg - 8/2/11 - 3:52 pm

Boston Police report a nearly month-long operation with their MBTA counterparts has resulted in 24 arrests of alleged drug dealers and their minions in and around the Andrew stop on the Red Line:

Since July 6, 2011, this effort proactively targeted a criminal element who frequently utilized the station to arrive, enter and leave the Andrew Square area to conduct unlawful drug transactions.

By adamg - 8/1/11 - 5:01 pm

State Rep. Denise Provost (D-Somerville) posted on her Facebook page:

Early today, I was extremely disheartened to learn from MassDOT that the expected completion of the Green Line Extension has been delayed again – this time until at least 2018. While I appreciate MassDOT’s efforts in appropriate mitigation and community input, I am extremely disappointed that this vital project is, yet again, being postponed. ...

MassDOT's annual status report to DEP on its SIP commitments - which was due July 1 - was submitted today, estimating a 2018-2020 completion date for the Green Line Extension.

In a statement, MassDOT says:

By adamg - 8/1/11 - 9:53 am

Rodriguez MBTA Transit Police report a man stopped for jumping through a broken fare gate at Andrew station yesterday afternoon tried to bolt from officers questioning him, possibly because of the gun with the safety turned off that he was packing.

According to a police report, officers spotted Hamilton Rodriguez of Chelsea jumping over a cone at a broken fare gate around 1:20 p.m., which would have gotten him a citation.

Instead, as officers were talking to him, he tried to run away:

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