Jan Lois Lynch, formerly of Boston, 75
If you read one obituary today, make it Jan Louis Lynch's:
Jan is survived by her four loving sons, Jeff (Missy) Patterson, Greg (Billie) Patterson, Jake (Emily) Lomax, and Luke (Mabel) Lomax and eight grandchildren whom she loved more than anything else in the world…except the New England Patriots, the Boston Red Sox, Tom Brady, cold Budweiser, room temperature Budweiser, cigarettes, dogs, mopeds, clam chowder, boating, fishing, Florida, the Atlantic Ocean, grouper sandwiches, adventures, road trips, the beach, Sunday Night Football, Monday Night Football, fall foliage, airplane food, ingrown toenails, the OJ chase, and the OJ trial – in that exact order.
Via Jack Sullivan.
Can't tell
Is that humor, sarcasm or bitterness?
Read the full obituary- it's
Read the full obituary- it's lovely and she seemed like the life of the party :)
Good Lord.
We call it humor.
Need to follow rosemai's advice
And read the rest. I was left with she liked ingrown toenails better than her kids and grandkids. Wasn't positive it was a joke without the rest.
A combo of humor and sarcasm, maybe.
Great obit
My wife and I always bitch that it should be a requirement that the cause of death be included with every obit. This woman covered that nicely, even though it revealed more questions than it answered. (No mention of the father of her children? How does she really feel about her kids?)
A hoot
She sounds like she was a hoot! Likely she had a great sense of humor and would have appreciated this.
solid wishes
Didn't know her or anything, but after reading that I might just pick up some Bud on my way home and knock one back in her honor.
[ETA] I did.
An excellent thought surprisefries
I wish I could have shared a Bud with this woman while we watched my favorite Budweiser commercial which I'm sure she would have loved:
Make it a Bud!
(I wonder if she liked Harry Dean Stanton)