The commission brought him stardom, but the final product was his worst bldg. Those were his own words. Fingers crossed that the JFK Library doesn't white wash history and drag I.M. (aka put together a 10-part series about the grandeur of their building in honor of Pei)
I.M. Pei
And...a certain building on the campus of UMass Amherst. Maybe this might raise it's approval rating....
His West Wing of the MFA is truly inspiring
I M Sad.
I M Sad.
The JFK Library was Pei's worst building. Pei agreed
The commission brought him stardom, but the final product was his worst bldg. Those were his own words. Fingers crossed that the JFK Library doesn't white wash history and drag I.M. (aka put together a 10-part series about the grandeur of their building in honor of Pei)