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Props to Youk and Big Papi, of course, but, oooh, that Beckett!

Papel-blog: Can Josh Beckett just pitch all the games? I hear he likes pitching on short rest.

Jeff Louderbeck: Post-season still agrees with Josh Beckett.

Teddy Kokoros: Beckett was amazing tonight:

As for the Sox batters, it was a good night, but they left a few too many runners on base for my liking. In their defense, some of those called strike 3 calls especially to Youk and Manny where bullshit. ...

Beth: Josh Beckett has succeeded in momentarily rendering me speechless:

... One of the things I've been most relishing when I've looked forward to this postseason is the chance to see the kind of f-bombing, fist-pumping freakout awesomeness I could only imagine would come along with October Josh. Instead, he actually looked like he was reining himself in a little. Which is a scary thought when you think about the wicked heat he was unleashing on the Angels all night long. ...

Kristen: Josh Beckett would like you to know that those 20 games were no fluke:

That was, without a doubt, the most mellow, least stressful playoff game I've ever witnessed. ...

Jere: That game went just like I hoped and thought it would. How often can you say that?

Game photos.

Ben Ostrander seems to have had enough of Dane Cook:

As I watch the first game of the ALDS, I would like to take this opportunity to thank Mr. Dane Cook for reminding me that there is only one October. Thank you, Dane Cook.

Way more Sox comments.

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