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State to start turning families away from shelter program

WBUR reports the state's family shelter program reached its maximum capacity of 7,500 families yesterday, meaning new applicants will be put on a wait list instead of immediately finding them a place to stay - the first time that's happened since the program began 40 years ago. State officials say it's partly due to the overall unaffordability of Massachusetts housing, partly due to the busloads of immigrant families southern border states are now sending here.

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Isn't the freedom of movement within the country a fundamental right, for everyone, no matter the papers?

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to spew nonsensical horseshit in all directions a right?

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the only right-wing “principle” remaining intact?

Lawsuits are coming.

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but being forcibly put on a bus and dumped on another state by a government isn't.

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but feel free to keep saying words.

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However, the state has argued, the guarantee of shelter only applies to the extent that there are funds available.

Crying poor immediately after passing a $1 billion tax cut on the rich doesn’t quite pass the smell test. If you want to eliminate the right to shelter in the state, change the law.

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The state is saying it ran out of money. The state has not passed a $1 billion tax cut on the rich - quite the opposite, having recently passed a "millionaire tax".

I'm not saying I agree with what is happening. But don't blame the state for a tax cut it never made.

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Google is your friend

Just about the only thing Beacon Hill has passed recently is their stupid tax cut, essentially sticking it to the voters who passed the millionaires' tax. That's all they cared about.

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How exactly is this package a $1B tax cut on the rich?

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That website reads just like the Turtle Boy website with junior graphics. Clearly, a chip on the writers shoulder too. Again, aside from the short term capital gains tax, how is the entire $1b package a cut on the rich? The estate tax limit increasing to $2M? I’ve got news for you - most real estate in Boston is over $1M, and hardly any of the beneficiaries are ‘rich’. Here are the actual cuts and not some janky website driven by a conspiracy theory:


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That website laid out the intentionally opaque process of passing the bill and the nature of the cuts pretty clearly, it's funny you think that's somehow a conspiracy theory.

But you linking to the Governor's own press release is even more funny. Nothing slanted about that, is there?

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I don’t subscribe to conspiracy theories regardless of what they’re trying to prove. The fact that you don’t see that website as such is concerning. It’s no different than the rabid Turtle Boy following. Website and all.

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The fact that you think Beacon Hill isn’t an intentionally opaque body makes you quite the rube, “robo”. It’s no conspiracy theory, it’s a well documented fact. https://publicintegrity.org/politics/state-politics/state-integrity-inve... But I guess you get confused by the choice of font of that one website.

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Grow a set of balls, and tell Newton that poor people are coming their way, and to get the housing built.

Otherwise, what's the point of your existence?

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...if we could learn to stop equating virtues such as courage and integrity with the possession of male genitalia.

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It just really ticks me off to see constant hand-wringing. I responded viscerally.

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I like "grow a spine" instead.

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We have plenty of language equating vices or negative character with the same (e.g. dick, prick, bull-headed, bastard, jackass, cuck, motherf*er).

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We have plenty of language equating vices or negative character with the same (e.g. dick, prick, bull-headed, bastard, jackass, cuck, motherf*er).

Not to quibble, but only two of these refer to male genitalia, and one other (historically at least) refer specifically to being male. But aside from that, there's no need to use genitalia as a metaphor. Courage, integrity, common sense, perseverance, etc. - very good words all.

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Holy cow

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Sadly, housing will never be "affordable" enough for someone arriving here with no job, no education, and two children who is looking for a two-bedroom apartment.

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The state and cities, towns need to remove obstacles to building, renovating more non-luxury housing. NIMBY is alive and well,even in places reknowned as "progressive".

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it's not affordable for most of us.
welcome to Boston, is this your first time here?

and plenty of people seeking asylum have lots of education..
or, tell us, why do you equate "person migrating" with "no education"?

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I think you are as ascribing things to his comment that are not there. The story is about the shelter system and how it's currently full, that new people showing up will not be given a place to stay because they are not available ... The comment was not about all immigrants or migrants. It was about those looking for shelter.

There are plenty of immigrants who arrive with money and buy a house or rent nice places as they arrive. They don't come up in this sort of conversation because they already have resources.

Also don't assume that education means you automatically can use it. In many fields degrees don't cross over. You also have highly educated people in poverty in the US because they might not have a command of the English language. I've met highly educated people who are working jobs that don't match their skills because of both of those.

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Anyone have suggestions on non-government agencies that are aiding migrants in Metro Boston and are accepting donations of money, food, toiletries and clothing?

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