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Market worker pommeled

The Roslindale Transcript reports that a worker at the Village Market was assaulted when he tried to stop a man stealing a bottle of pomegranate juice.

Also click on the link to see why I am so glad the kidlet's school is now K-8. It's the last item, about the 11-year-old threatening to shoot an administrator at the Washington Irving Middle School.

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I was tempted to post a comment regarding the misspelling and then I got the pun.

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The Washington Irving seems to be a particularly tough place to be an 11 year-old. Some years they terrorize the whole neighborhood. Maybe if they had some structure between 1:00 (yes, that early - it's outrageous) and 6 they'd feel more fulfilled, have a better chance of turning into decent young men and women, and ultimately, be less likely to threaten people with guns.

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I'm glad that the middle school my son attends strives to create a "habitat" for the kids - an environment with appropriate boundaries and limits, clique formation prevention, etc. where they can feel safe and keep up with the fairly solid workload.

I was pretty apprehensive when he started this fall, but he has really thrived socially and academically since he arrived. It isn't as if the school doesn't have at least some socially and economically challenged populations or a fair number of English language learners, either. Middle school just doesn't have to be hell if some thought, some research into "what are these creatures and how do we care for them", and a lot of hands-on action goes into the process.

Given the "support for staff" that we've seen at this troubled school, I'm not surprised that the net result is an environment resembling the San Francisco Zoo.

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