Fox In Detox suggests the entire city of Boston take some anger-management classes, and stat. She offers as proof an incident this morning involving a woman in a car screaming her head off in anger at a van that the driver of her car had just cut off in a mad, failed attempt to get into a Dunkin' Donuts, thereby blocking traffic, including her:
... So I did the only thing I could think to do. I smiled the biggest, sweetest smile anyone has ever seen and waved to her, like I knew her... then I blew her a kiss... but for some reason, it didn't work. She wasn't cheered up. She stopped her tirade, a look of almost recognition flickering on her face for like... a second, then she rolled down her window and started screaming and swearing even louder! I smiled and waved some more, blew her another kiss...but again, it didn't seem to help, she was practically clawing her way out the car window with the driver clinging to her coat. Just then, the car moved forward abruptly. This startled the woman out of her rage and made her lose her balance. Then the light changed and traffic started to move forward. I waved one more time, blew one final kiss and moved with the traffic. Out of my side view mirror, I could see her running across the parking lot towards me, left arm extended, middle finger raised. I'm sure she was just trying to thank me for making her feel better. ...
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angry, spiteful people
By BikerGeek
Tue, 02/26/2008 - 11:57am
The number of angry, spiteful people in these parts is just absolutely mind-boggling. Must be awful to live like that. I'd hate to be that person's SO or kid.
Anger comes in many forms
Tue, 02/26/2008 - 12:26pm
I find it funny that you would chide someone for getting upset about a traffic indescretion and then pat yourself on the back that hard over your passive aggressive response. You clearly blew kisses and smiled at the woman because you knew it would elicite a specific response of anger from her. Rather than commenting on someone else's lack of control, you should take a long hard look in the mirror and realize you are just as much a part of the problem, and just as guilty of being a jerk as the woman you wrote about. People like you are why living in Boston is a drag. Why you felt the need to interject yourself into a situation that did not involve you is baffling to me, but it's not surprising. Do the world a favor and drive off a cliff.
By BStu
Tue, 02/26/2008 - 12:31pm
Screaming at someone who has genuinely wronged you is a cathartic response, sure, but what's so awful about that. Its not like she was taking a bat to the van. If she lets off a little steam, so what? I find that far less objectionable than being as petty as to mock and taunt the woman by blowing kisses at her. I don't mind people who are upset with good cause. I mind self-righteous dopes who think they are "above" such business even while they act out in their own petulant way.
By pomsmith
Tue, 02/26/2008 - 12:35pm
"you" hasn't actually posted anything to this site. "you" is just being quoted here.
I agreed with you, LSC, up to a point. I felt fairly sad when I read the bit about the flicker of recognition on the maniac's face--she thought someone she knew, someone who cared about her, was on the scene, and it stopped her from freaking out for a moment--and then she realized the friendly face was actually mocking her. It's an ugly scene made much uglier by the poster.
Too bad you had to add that "drive off a cliff" part.
Tue, 02/26/2008 - 1:04pm
I probably shouldn't have said that last bit, but I hate these holy than thou d-bags who pontificate about how horrible other folks are while being so self righteous despite their own boorish behavior.
missed op
By pomsmith
Tue, 02/26/2008 - 1:39pm
your argument up to that point was so tight! Why couldn't you have just blown a kiss at the end?
I always smile and wave
By Ron Newman
Tue, 02/26/2008 - 1:39pm
whenever someone honks a horn at me, whether I'm on a bicycle or walking. More people should do what Fox did.
If you do that to me and
By stephencaldwell
Tue, 02/26/2008 - 1:45pm
If you do that to me and you're in the wrong (ex: the patently erroneous belief that pedestrians always have the right of way), you'll probably get a tap from my bumper.
By pomsmith
Tue, 02/26/2008 - 1:47pm
Yes, I do it too thwart the honker, of course, who is honking, at me, for some specious show I'm not taking the bait...and of course I am messing with the person when I do it.
I don't throw my heart and soul into it, though. I don't try, say, to trick the person into thinking that I know them. I'm pretty straightforward in my approach.
"Ron"! Ya really think people should knock themselves out to mock angry maniacs? To what end, exactly?
I kind of love that the
By Miss M
Tue, 02/26/2008 - 2:48pm
I kind of love that the comments to this entry absolutely prove the thesis statement of the headline.
you're right!
By pomsmith
Tue, 02/26/2008 - 3:44pm
I know that I certainly am an angry, angry person. Don't I know you from somewhere? *kiss* *wave*
*winks* But I don't think
By Miss M
Tue, 02/26/2008 - 5:03pm
But I don't think this is that type of forum, baby.
By pomsmith
Tue, 02/26/2008 - 6:26pm
I feel less angry already.
Absurd blog posts
By Scott H
Tue, 02/26/2008 - 10:59pm
Am I the only one that thinks that "Fox in Detox" makes up 90% of the stories in her blog. It's just something in her writing that catches my eye every time her entries are posted here. I can't put a finger on it, but all of her "tales" just seem utterly imaginary, as if posted just to convince her readers what a fantastically exciting life she lives.
Maybe I'm just too cynical.
By Fornya
Wed, 02/27/2008 - 5:50am
She's so full of shit.
Wed, 02/27/2008 - 8:15am
Everything I've read of hers doesn't seem to ring true when you really examine it, which is why I flamed her blog site yesterday calling her out for this specifically. It must be nice to have so much time on your hands that you can create an alternate universe for what must be a pathetic existance.
By c'mon...
Wed, 02/27/2008 - 7:14pm
...or, rather, that you've taken so much of your own valuable time to comment on her, her blog, her life, and her reactions to the world. Dunno... maybe you should just get over it already?