Sorry Charlie cards
Evan plays with a CharlieTicket at the Blue Line Airport station and doesn't like it one bit:
... Not only is it not user friendly (imagine elderly people coming in from overseas, presented with a wall of touch-screen ticket dispensers), but it's fundamentally flawed and fails to follow the tried-and-true designs of other electronic fare systems in the US, such as the Washington DC Metro system. Like the Metro, you simply insert your Charlie Ticket into a slot as you enter the turnstile. However, unlike the Metro, where you collect the card AFTER you walk through the opened gates, the scanned Charlie Card is ejected BEHIND the passenger as he or she waits (for about 5 seconds) for the tinted plastic gate to open. There's flaw#1 (and, of course, one of the MBTA employees chastised me for not collecting my ticket and holding up people in line behind me the first time I used it). ...
But wait, it gets better, exnewport reports:
I was told by the MBTA geniuses that my guests could use the Charlie Card at T stations, such as airports, to get in and out of the subway system...but: Wonderland is supposed to be set up for this, according to them....they are not: They have all the turnstiles blocked....REAL MBTA people are there to direct you to "flash your pass", or go back to the token booth to get "EXACT CHANGE ONLY: $1.25 ONLY!!! NO TOKENS!!!!" my guests will start all their trips into Boston at Wonderland.....getting a Charlie Card won't work at that T stop.... and tokens won't we all have to carry around wads of one-dollar bills and lots of quarters??? Why do this confusing thing the weekend of July 4th ???? And: did you know that $$$ "put into" a Charlie Card is not refundable??? So: do you get to "ride forever 'neath the streets oof Boston???....Be a man that never returns???.....any ideas???