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Sal DiMasi needs to have a chat with his friends

Let's be completely uncynical for a moment and take Sal DiMasi at his word that he never once discussed some bill his pal, who gave him a discounted third mortgage, was hired to push, as the Globe quotes him as saying. In which case, he really needs to tell chum Richard Vitale to shut the frick up - and register as a lobbyist for chrissakes. Also, ever notice how often George Regan is involved in this sort of story?

The Outraged Liberal is getting tired of the disparities in the way the public treats Deval Patrick's alleged foibles (drapes!) with DiMasi's more serious ethical questions:

... DiMasi bumps along from one questionable encounter and deal to another without so much as an eyebrow raised on the public scene.

Part of the difference of course is that Patrick was elected statewide with a promise of changing business as usual. DiMasi represents one district in the North End, runs the Massachusetts House and is business as usual.

And he's been winning -- casinos, corporate tax reporting. You get the picture. ...

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