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Forming a complaint

David uses an online FBI anti-terrorism form to complain about how bad online FBI anti-terrorism forms are. Now he's a bit concerned:

... Given what I've said in the past about the FBI, particularly in terms of its record on civil liberties regarding homeland security, I believe this is extremely risky for me, but felt compelled to do it because the stakes are so high. I'm frankly scared about the personal consequences, and could use a little bit of encouragement and hand-holding from you in the blogosphere -- perhaps in the form of supportive comments on this post....


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Would you like a supportive comment on this post? Not from me, pal.

You're off your rocker if you think the FBI cares enough about you to persecute you. I'm sure they're busy enough chasing Islamists -not to mention traditional criminals- that they can't spare an agent to stake out your trips to the library. Get a life. Or a job, really. Because I'm also sure they're not going to hire you as a consultant.

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