It takes two parties to hold a debate. Rush’s spokesman Matt Fitzgerald’s explanation for why there was no debate is an excuse that blames the opposition.
Matt " ...acknowledged that he received calls from Julian's campaign about setting up a debate, but said that when he pressed for details about its sponsor, format, questioners, and the like, "they had nothing for us." Globe Sep.14,08
If incumbent Mike Rush (Rep. 10th Suffolk) wanted a debate, he would have had a debate. Mike did not want to debate Pamela Julian. Mike’s decision serves his interests certainly but not necessarily his constituents’ interests. The health of our democratic republic is dependent upon the debate of ideas on the merit. Mike has chosen to put his own interests first.
Since Mike made his choice, I will give voice to Julian's argument for why you should choose her with your vote Tuesday instead of Mike Rush:
"His...anti-choice, anti-equal marriage, and anti-college student voting history are all facts that Mr. Rush obviously would prefer that the voters of the 10th Suffolk District not be made aware of before this election."link
If public service means winning a debate of ideas on the merit and defending your record, then there is no excuse for a public servant to ignore the call for debate during a campaign.
Mike has earned a reputation as being unresponsive to inquiries by constituents and reporters, which is Pamela Julian's motivating reason to challenge Rush for the seat.
Mike has had a poor record of attendance, the second worst attendance record in the legislature. If you don’t show up, why should you keep your job? Would your employer let you keep your job if you had an attendance issue? If you live in the 10th Suffolk District, you are the employer and you make the decision with your vote.
Mike Rush’s $2.2 million Havey Beach earmark was halted by the vigilant Senator Marian Walsh, and is a recreation initiative masquerading as an environmental concern.
Vote Tuesday if you are in the 10th Suffolk. Because there is no Republican challenger, the winner of the primary wins the seat in the State Legislature. Here a resource for you to check out Mike's voting record here.
Like the job UHub is doing? Consider a contribution. Thanks!
Mike talks about his priorities
By Anonymous
Sun, 09/14/2008 - 5:34pm
Mike talks about his priorities in a recent interview:
I wonder why Marian Walsh is not returning his calls. She always returns mine.
more excuses about debating
By Anonymous
Sun, 09/14/2008 - 5:51pm
On no! She called the wrong place. No wonder they can't debate.
The dates and nothing else? So Rush said "yes' or "no"?
I think we can conclude that Rush would find a reason not to show up at the date and time his opponent arranged.
As a proactive go-getter, you would think Rush might take an active role in setting the parameters for the debate, inviting the press, getting a facility...
Everything Ive heard about
By ShadyMilkMan
Mon, 09/15/2008 - 10:34am
Everything Ive heard about this Mike Rush guy has been kinda bad, but I havent heard any reason why anyone should vote for the other person in the race! From past stories Ive read about her she has been unresponsive to the press and apparently doesnt understand much about the political laws in the state. Mike Rush should have called her back from his campaign office, but the fact remains that she was the one who called his Beacon Hill State House office which is a huge huge problem. Their are serious ramifications for conducting campign business in the state house and she was either ignorant of the campaign laws (which she shouldnt be, they do give you all sorts of info when you declare your running) or was trying to set him up either way not too impressive.
Oh and in regards to pork spending, nobody ever got kicked out of office for giving their consituients pork sponsored parks or other perks.
It sounds like that district needs better choices next time around.
Facts not Fiction Feel Free to contact me visit www.pamelajulian
By pamela julian
Thu, 09/18/2008 - 7:23am
Pamela Julian
To learn the facts about our campaign, feel free to contact me and visit our website www.pamelajulian.com
Thanks for your interest in our campaign for progressive change.
Join us!
[email protected]
By CraniumBoy
Sun, 09/14/2008 - 6:40pm
I knew this guy in college. He was a complete schmuck then - disingenuous, overly impressed with himself, arrogant, and abrasive. It seems he has continued to be a champion of his own mediocrity.
I hope, especially if you
By Anonymous
Sun, 09/14/2008 - 8:01pm
I hope, especially if you live in the Suffolk 10th, that you vote Tuesday. You can find your polling place here:
Go Friars.
I would if I could
By CraniumBoy
Mon, 09/15/2008 - 10:06am
Thanks for the info, but I don't live there. I do, however, have friends who live there...
Mike was a R in high school, and college...
By faybio
Sun, 09/14/2008 - 10:55pm
Mike used to a HARD CORE REPUBLICAN. I went to CM with Mike, and can clearly recall how devoted he was to Bush Sr. (Mike was the student body pres, and G.H.W.Bush was THE PRES.) Mike was very open about his Republican beliefs, as well as his support for Bush. I'm sure that anyone who attended CM while Rush did, including underclassmen, can recall this fact.
I did not attend Providence College with Rush, but I did read his writings in support of Pat Buchanan's candidacy for Pres in '96 that appeared in a PC newspaper. These writings came to light when Mike originally ran for local office, but not a whole lot was made about them. Now, if a voter was to examine Rush's voting record, he could surmise that Rush STILL IS A Republican! He certainly dowsn't support many Democratic ideals.
Mike Rush was a Republican
By Anonymous
Sun, 09/14/2008 - 11:37pm
Oh good, another person who has first hand knowledge. You will be voting Tuesday, faybio, right? Your report that Mike Rush was a Republican helps me make sense out of his current positions.
I also think it makes him a Blue Dog, a democrat that votes Republican.
I suppose it would be near impossible to get elected as a Republican in the Suffolk 10th. So tell me, why should we elect a Republican that claims to be a Democratic? I know we have a big tent in the Democratic party but why should it include Republicans?
The $2.2 million dollar earmark for the Charles River Beach front really frosts my nuts too. Calling it an environmental issue instead of pork for parks and recreation is like putting lipstick on a pig. You can put lipstick on a pig. It's still a pig.
Pork for parks and recreation?
By adamg
Sun, 09/14/2008 - 11:56pm
Yeah, there's that giant park lobby we're always hearing about. $2.2 million does seem like a lot, maybe it is too much, I don't know, but I'm all in favor of restoring recreation to that stretch of the Charles, which has been ignored for decades now. There's more to the Charles than the Esplanade - and why shouldn't a state rep fight for funds for his district?
Julian's not exactly a winner, either. See this article - especially the part about the student group. Plus, given that she's from Brookline, she has about as much chance of getting elected as I do (slightly better odds, I guess, given that I don't live in the district).
not very savvy
By Anonymous
Mon, 09/15/2008 - 1:24am
She's not a very savvy politician and he's not a very responsive one. I have my own experience with Mike. Having a conversation with him requires putting up with the run around.
Either way, we deserve more than we're getting.
Calling attention to Rush's conservative voting record, unresponsiveness, and pork disguised as environmentalism may bring some much needed attention to his performance. Maybe a tight race will get his attention. If he should lose the seat, it's a result of his own making.
Legislative Aide was rude and arrogant
By Dave-from-Boston
Mon, 09/15/2008 - 4:20pm
I just called into his office to complaint about receiving automated campaign calls from Rep Rush. Beyond being the typical moronic nonsense the automated mesage kept recycling in mid sentence.
When I spoke to the aide explaining to her that I was on a "do not call" list and did not appreciate Rep Rush circumventing federal law, her response was: "well, I'll let the Representative know." I then told her that I wanted it to stop, her response was: "I'll let the Representative know." When I told it that I was irritated with her lack of resposnsiveness, her response was: "I'll let the Representative know." When I told her that she was being rude and her responseness just costed Rep Rush two votes from my household in West Roxbury, her response was: "well, okay I'll let the representative know."
Along related lines: Julian was walking the neighborhoods on Saturday introducing herself to voters. Mt wife and I spent about 10 minutes talking to her and asking her about a variety of issues ranging from the school assignment processes to the anti-business mentality of the local community development organizations, I found her ideas refreshing and interesting. She obviously is not connected to the good ol'boy club currently on Beacon Hill (that in itself should be a sufficient reason to vote for her). She also asked for my vote.
On the other hand, I have never seen Rush walking around - the only time you hear from him is via a robotic telephone message around election time. Given his right wing philosophy and empty suit performance, he also could be a good candidate for Republican Vice President.
Do-not-call list applies to telemarketing only
By eeka
Mon, 09/15/2008 - 4:25pm
And candidates and elected officials are allowed to call or send correspondence to the address/phone number you've listed on your voter registration. This is how they stay in touch with their constituents.
Hmmm - they rely on
By Dave-from-Boston
Mon, 09/15/2008 - 8:13pm
Hmmm - they rely on automated dialing with automated messages to "keep in touch with their constituents." When you wrote that explanation, did it dawn on you that this is a large part of the problem with pols. They are always working on the next election. Don't actually talk to them (they may ask you a question that expose you). When was the last time after November of an election year that your Rep called or visited and said - what's on you mind - what can we do for you to make government work better.
Restoring a beach on the Charles River - exactly what we need. How about trash, parking, speeding, tax base, Section 8 corruption, snow plowing, - you know those boring things we pay for but never quite get.
How about forgetting about getting elected and do the work you were elected to do. Good constituency service trumps automated campaign messages every time. As for his aide not knowing what I was talking about...forbidden to talk about the issue...just being 22 and any other excuses Rush's lackies want to use to explain for his marginal representative service, have an adult write on a 5 by 8 index card, the telephone number of his campaign office and politely tell one of the "bothersome" citizens (the people he is suppose to be representing) where to call if it is an issue she is not allow to deal with.
Throw this guy out and get someone who is in public service for reasons other than what he can get out of it for himself.
By adamg
Mon, 09/15/2008 - 8:44pm
By all means vote the rascal out if you want, but:
trash, parking, speeding, tax base, Section 8 corruption, snow plowing
You do realize these are city issues, not state issues (except for snow plowing on the parkways), right? Things you should be yelling about next year, when John Tobin and Tom Menino are up for re-election.
Refer to Adams post about
By ShadyMilkMan
Mon, 09/15/2008 - 9:18pm
Refer to Adams post about seperation of who does what.
You want a state office to do the job of a campaign and a campaign to do the job of a city. Maybe your the one who needs to do some homework because your obviously getting pissed off at people for not doing what you want them to do , yet you seem to be barking up all the wrong trees. Ive worked in the state house before and can tell you that those people are not the "hacks" you hear so much about they work really hard and put in really long hours. I was just an intern but decided not to go work in that building because people like you are so demanding yet have no clue what your talking about. You would have gotten the same reaction from any other rep, its not Mike Rush whos the problem in your case.Your probaly the same guy who screams for seperation of powers forgetting that that is why the state house office cant help the campaign office.
As has been pointed out
By Anonymous
Mon, 09/15/2008 - 10:15pm
As has been pointed out above, incumbent Mike Rush can call you and he can have a machine call you but if he wants to win an election, he will take your number off his call list promptly when you call his office and ask him to.
I see you clearly got the idea that his office has no intention of following through, right? I guess he's won you over ;-p
I agree about the $2 million for Havey Beach. It's 2 million connected to Mike's childhood memories and while its not necessarily a bad idea, calling it an environmental concern is the kind of bullshit pols should know better than to try. It's not an environmental issue. It's Parks and Recreation. Honesty goes a long way with me. Even further, don't insult my intelligence (for what its worth ;-p)
Rush's opponent Pamela Julian did not make it to my neighborhood when I was at home and I'm sorry I missed her.
I can't say I will vote for an experienced, conservative on social issues, deceptive, hard to get a hold of, incumbent state representative over a his challenger, who has a lot to learn but clearly intends to do so.
Like Eeka said the political
By ShadyMilkMan
Mon, 09/15/2008 - 5:11pm
Like Eeka said the political messages are exempt from do not call. Also the legislative aide would have no clue what you were talking about as she doesnt work for the campaign. In addition she legally can not deal with campaign related issues as she is a staff person for the state house not his personal secretary even if thats her official title. Even if she wanted to she could not talk with you about it. On top of that she was probaly 22.
That's true!
By CraniumBoy
Mon, 09/15/2008 - 10:08am
He was most certainly a Republican in college, and he was definitely NOT quiet about it.
He is one of the people who I'd hoped would fade into obscurity after college. No such luck.
Thank you, CraniumBoy...
By faybio
Mon, 09/15/2008 - 2:10pm
...for backing me up. Lots of people don't seem to believe me when I tell them this fact about Mike.
Perhaps you have some specific recollections?
"hot-button issues"
By Anonymous
Mon, 09/15/2008 - 3:30pm
His voting record in the House is consistent with your recollections. His is conservative on social issues.I wonder how many people really know his voting record.
His is clearly aware that his voting on social issues may be a problem in this election, look at this interview from 9/10 where he covers his tracks on the issues where his conservative opinion diverges from a more centrist voting public. Hot button means he's worried that his voting record puts him on the wrong side of these issues:
This is West Roxbury we're talking about
By adamg
Mon, 09/15/2008 - 4:01pm
I wonder how many people really know his voting record.
Come on, this is one of the most politically active districts in the state. You think people there don't realize what he stands for?
You might have a better case next door in Angelo Scaccia's district.
don't know Mike Rush from Robert Consalvo
By Anonymous
Mon, 09/15/2008 - 10:26pm
C'mon yourself. The people that knew him growing up know what he stands for. People who moved here - like you? and me - don't. Mike graduated from college 20 years ago. 20 years of new residence in the district is a lot of "new" residents who don't know Mike Rush from Robert Consalvo.
Just because he was a
By ShadyMilkMan
Tue, 09/16/2008 - 9:36am
Just because he was a republican in college doesnt mean he is a republican now. He does have a conservative voting record, but thats on the public record anyone can figure that stuff out. Feel free to not back him, and to not vote for him but seriously dont base it off of what he believed in college base it off of what hes done in office, he has a long enough record for you to do that.I dont think what he said or did in college makes a difference its like when Hillary attacked Obama for wanting to be president since he was in kindergarden. I entered college as a "republican" and voted for John McCain in 2000 in the Republican primary and when I left school I was a conservative Democrat backing democrats 90 percent of the time (I hated the Clintons in college, and ended up giving them money this year for Hillarys run for office, things change.) How many times have you heard the story of the hippie turned business man?
By SwirlyGrrl
Tue, 09/16/2008 - 9:49am
They would be Republicans in any other state, but being conservatives they are also conformists and pack animals. Being in Massachusetts, they register and run as Dems and simply vote like Republicans.
I'm always amused by two things in MA: 1) the very late primary because of the "one party" assumption and 2)A sizable cadre of Democrats who vote and talk vastly far to the right of my Dad and other relatives who are lifelong Republicans.
keep going
By Anonymous
Tue, 09/16/2008 - 12:00pm
you're right. it's not the label, it's the voting record, the lack of responsiveness to constituents, and trying to pass himself off as a democrat in order to get elected.
Exactly! Democrats for political viability but far right of center of social and fiscal issues.
(R), (D)...
By faybio
Tue, 09/16/2008 - 4:41pm
Whatever capital letter Mike wants to put after his name is fine. Judging him by his voting record, Mike Rush doesn't seem to have changed his views at all since his high school and college days. He just changed his party affiliation.
And that is the point of bringing up his past. In case you didn't recall or even know, Mike had initially denied having been a Republican back in the day. He actually claimed that his pro-Pat Buchanan support was blown out of proportion(my words, btw). Those of us who went to school with Rush know that this is unlikely, because he was very passionate about his politics. (Too bad he doesn't appear to be as passionate these days...)
I wish I did
By CraniumBoy
Mon, 09/15/2008 - 3:48pm
It's been a long time since I'd really even thought about this, and unfortunately all of my copies of PC's venerable student newspaper "The Cowl" are long-gone. He did have a radio show, or was a regular guest on a radio show, and he may have been part of the Young Republicans at PC. I'll have see if any of my friends remember anything specific.
Can someone explain to me
By ShadyMilkMan
Tue, 09/16/2008 - 9:42am
Can someone explain to me why it makes a difference if he was a republican in college? He has a post college political record of votes, press releases and actions for you to chew over. I dont like him based off of those factors, but I think its silly to see what he said or did not say in college.
It Explains A Lot
By SwirlyGrrl
Tue, 09/16/2008 - 9:54am
I think it was more explanatory than prejudicial - as in "wow, now that makes sense". He moved to MA where there are all kinds of voters: conservative Democrats and liberal Democrats, and followed the herd.
He didn't move to MA
By adamg
Tue, 09/16/2008 - 10:03am
He's Westie through and through.
moved back home
By Anonymous
Tue, 09/16/2008 - 12:03pm
He moved home to Westie after Providence College.
You say that like he was the
By ShadyMilkMan
Tue, 09/16/2008 - 12:45pm
You say that like he was the University of Miami for a decade or something. How far away is Providence College to Boston, not that far.
no argument - near or far
By Anonymous
Tue, 09/16/2008 - 12:51pm
Is this really what you want to talk about?
I have no argument with you. Near or far, Rush moved home after college.
I had no specific distance in mind other than he went away to college for four years and moved back when he graduated to Westie where he grew up.
Im sorry but he is not all
By ShadyMilkMan
Tue, 09/16/2008 - 10:37am
Im sorry but he is not all that conservative compared to republicans in other states and democrats even in some of those swing states. He just happens to be more conservative then the majority of the democrats in our liberal democratic system.
Plus he was born here. I find that people who were born here tend to be a little more conservative then those of you who moved here later in life for education and other reasons. People who moved here tend to take a dim view on those who have lived here for a while, and at times I feel like its a "if they dont like it they can leave" mentality. Its kind of funny people feel that way because you moved into his home state from somewhere else.
Natives here can be pretty liberal
By adamg
Tue, 09/16/2008 - 10:48am
This is Massachusetts we're talking about. How else to explain the native running to the left of John Kerry in today's primary?
In Rush's case, he's a conservative living in a generally conservative neighborhood that makes up the bulk of that district. That he was also born there, grew up there, taught there will, I am sure get him some votes, but I don't think he'd last too long if voters really disagreed with him on the issues.
By SwirlyGrrl
Tue, 09/16/2008 - 11:05am
Massachusetts Democrats are not all that liberal, and many are to the right of the vast majority of Republicans (but not the radical evangelical base).
I always snicker when somebody says "liberal Massachusetts Democrats". Yeah, liberal for a state that is recovering from being run by some combination of The Mob and the Catholic Church for most of a century.
Massachusetts Democrats are
By ShadyMilkMan
Tue, 09/16/2008 - 11:49am
Thats what I said lol...
A good portion of the most liberal people in Massachusetts are not of the home grown variety. Its actually kind of funny because inner Boston is now populated by new comers and outer Boston is where the natives went so most people never notice the old guard because they are not concentrated in places like Somerville, Cambridge and other younger areas anymore. Unless you were born here its hard to understand, it seems to take a few generations. Kennedy won riding in on his brothers coat tails as an Irish Catholic fighter which was what the people wanted, he turned out to be much more liberal then voters would have expected but people from Massachusetts like the status quo so he has stayed in office due to that even as every other person you talk to has aweful things to say about him.
police details at roadside worksites
By Anonymous
Tue, 09/16/2008 - 12:12pm
Mike Rush thinks we should continue pay police time and half for roadside details instead of allowing flagmen do the job:
which is a position I cannot understand for a blue dog
DemocratRepublican.Wait republicans want to
By ShadyMilkMan
Tue, 09/16/2008 - 12:44pm
Wait republicans want to spend more money on police details? This doesnt sound so ultra conservative to me...
Low turnout
By Anonymous
Tue, 09/16/2008 - 5:13pm
I voted today. When I arrived at 4pm the turn-out had been amazingly low. My ward in Boston had only 166 voters thus far. I was 167. The scanning machine keeps a count in plain view.
Low turnout is a big opportunity for challengers - fewer incremental votes are required to overcome an incumbent, and therefore, each vote means more in an election with low turnout.
Julian and to a lesser extent O'Reilly have a chance if they had a "get out the vote" campaign organized. I know, its doubtful they did.
Incumbent US Senator: John Kerry v. O'Reilly
Incumbent State Rep: Nike Rush v. Pamela Julian (10th Suffolk)
Unopposed: State Sen. Marian Walsh
Unopposed: US Congressmen Stephen Lynch
With a name like Nike Rush
By ShadyMilkMan
Tue, 09/16/2008 - 8:36pm
With a name like Nike Rush how could he lose!
On a side note Ive done alot of campaign work with Kerry in the past , specificly for his Prez campaign and I havent heard a peep from his campaign. I put in alot of time and made thousands of calls, knocked on hundreds of doors in NH and worked multiple primary nights for him in Boston (and election night) and I didnt recieve a call or email from anyone even reminding me to vote. To me thats hubris , he should have sent out a note to all his former helpers and voters and remind them to vote, and oh maybe you can hold a sign or something. I hope it doesnt bite him in the ass.
Congratulations to Rep. Rush Julian's Campaign has Just Begun
By pamela julian
Thu, 09/18/2008 - 7:42am
Pamela Julian Join us! www.pamelajulian.com
Congratulations to Representative Rush. Julian Campaign for Progressive Change has
just begun
Voters told me that they care mostly about economic issues and they voiced grave concern regarding Representative Rush's record against private life choices, including anti-equal marriage legislation, putting a private life choice on the ballot, and his anti pro-choice agenda.
Our proposal to hold two public debates was turned down by Representative Rush’s campaign. Without giving voters the chance to evaluate at a public forum Representative Rush's record and campaign platform along with my plans to end the disconnect between voters and their legislators, the elite democracy has temporarily kept the status-quo political gates locked shut.
This loss, however, does not mean the quest for political change is over. While on the campaign trail, I was welcomed in many homes throughout the district and I enjoyed every discussion with voters. I made a promise not to abandon this fight that I know we can win. Our campaign for change has just begun. This campaign is not about me, it’s about us. It is time to work together and stay together, and I know if we do we will win. It won't be easy and we need to find the time and raise the essential funds to continue what we started in June at my longtime friend Geri Howard's home on Oriole Street in West Roxbury. I am asking you to join me today in this fight.
Now is the time to build on this momentum. Let’s begin today. Go to www.pamelajulian.com to continue this fight against status-quo politics. Host a listening party. Make a donation. E-mail me. Call me. It is time to get to work.
Thank you for your support.
Pamela S. Julian
State Representative Candidate 10 Suffolk District
West Roxbury, Brookline, Roslindale
Thank you for your well
By ShadyMilkMan
Thu, 09/18/2008 - 10:12am
Thank you for your well thought form letters...
I am confused by your statements, it sounds like your going to continue to campaign for the seat?
Im sorry to be the one to tell you this but low turnout primaries are the best for the challenger. The higher the turnout the better it is for the incumbant (unless of course your the one that got all those extra people to the polls) because people natural gravitate to the incumbant in elections.
Kudos on carrying your hometown of Brookline (not by a huge margin though) maybe you should consider running for local elected office in Brookline then trying again for the state house in a few years...
OH I read your about you, maybe you can help me figure something out that has bothered me for years seeing as your worked for the candidate in question. Dick Swett , why didnt anyone ever ask him to change his first name to Rich, Rick, Richard or Richie for his campaigns? I knew so many people who would bowl over laughing every time they heard the news from NH or the ads that mentions him by his chosen campaign name, and it wasnt about his policies, it was his name. He has quite a streak of losses under his belt, I wonder how many votes e lost because people couldnt take Dick Swett seriously?
Enough Kindling for a Firestorm Join Julian www.pamelajulian
By pamela julian
Thu, 09/18/2008 - 1:25pm
Pamela Julian www.pamelajulian.com
Dear ShadyMilkman (interesting name)
Thanks so much for your interest in our campaign and in participating in our
democratic process. It is too bad that more voters don't come to the polls
and that educators and legislators are not making civic participation and voting
a priority. That's one of the reasons why I chose to run. I want to encourage
voters of all ages not only young voters to vote and to participate in the democratic process.
I chose not to respond to blog commentary published in the Brookline Tab and West Roxbury Transcript’s on line blog earlier because I firmly believe that we should participate in this process in a transparent fashion rather than participate in anonymous blog commentary formats often falsely represented as news. It is unethical and unprofessional to write an opinion piece on an issue if a reporter is assigned to report on
a particular issue. Journalists who choose to write a commentary piece but publish the piece as a news story rather than an editorial violate journalism ethics. Every professional journalist and editor is well aware of this fact. It is commonly known as tabloid or yellow journalism. A reporter can’t be both a reporter and a commentator, if he or she is assigned to report on that same issue or in this instance, a political campaign.
If you would like to help with our campaign, we would love to have your support!
In the meantime, I am focusing on listening to voters concerns and ideas in the district and I hope to bring interested citizens together to solve the problems here in the district and beyond.
You are well aware of the fact that is easier to comment on an issue and participate in commentary than it is to actually do the work. Research an issue, discuss the facts, and exchange ideas, respecting others opinions, agree to disagree when needed. Not one voter that I met on the campaign trail mentioned any of these blogs. I think if we work together, we can actually get some work done and solve problems. I know it is a popular past time commentary blogging, without revealing who you are to the reader certainly makes making fun of people and making false statements easier. I know not every
blog is a mean spirited one and many of my friends love to blog and we can learn
from others what is going on behind the scenes in politics. There are also real
news blogs that educate readers on a daily basis. That's great too!
I used to participate in commentary too. I hosted a call in talk program on WKXL radio, a CBS station. Although, listeners knew who I was, I did not hide my identity. I got tired of political commentary, decided to work hard at actually trying to solve problems. It is a lot harder. Rather than pontificate on air, I am interested in working with voters that want to come together and solve the problems that we all face. Working with student leaders, we co-authored the on campus student voter bill, co-sponsored by State Senator Cynthia Creem. Representative Rush is the only state representative in the Brookline delegation that has not responded to the pending bill. The bill is stuck in committee. Over one year later and Mr. Rush has yet to respond.
Why some Tab and Transcript editors and reporters let that fact slide is a mystery to me. The Herald owned chain is not hiring enough reporters and editors that's my guess. I am ready to support that campaign too. Newspaper owners need to hire more professional reporters and editors, pay reporters more too! The Herald chain owners should encourage and support real fair and balanced news reporting as well. Who will report this story? That's a story worth looking into for anyone interested in breaking
this story on a blog.
It is not fair to the voters in the district to refuse to debate your opponent. If elected, I will encourage debate and never shy away from a candidate forum. I know it must be tough trying to juggle working another job or attending law school while trying to being a state rep. as well but I will work full time not part time if the voters in the future grant me the opportunity. If you want to learn more about the facts and who I really am, feel free to get in touch with me. My contact info is on my website www.pamelajulian.com. In the meantime, I won't have time to respond to any more blog commentary. I thought I should at least respond once before returning to our campaign trail.
It is unfortunate, that some journalists and media outlets neglect to uphold journalism ethics and Federal Communication Code. That's another reason why I chose to run. I want to continue to work with educators and legislators to integrate a civic curriculum and part of that study includes studying media messaging. Students will learn how to evaluate media messages, how to evaluate speakers and writers, how to form an argument, how to articulate an opinion in writing and orally. Rather than voters choosing a political candidate based on blog commentary or a political advertisement, students will be empowered with these essential life skills.
You know. I really enjoy political satire such as Colbert and the Daly Show but after we all stop laughing, at the jokes and the commentary, we realize we still have lots of problems that need to be fixed. Many fellow citizens are left out of the political process. I know how to bring people together and after less than 100 days; our campaign has met one thousand and nine voters that are ready for progressive change. Not enough to win an election but enough kindling to build a fire and spark a firestorm. I did not campaign in Brookline and now after winning Brookline with little effort, my Brookline friends and supporters want to continue to work with our West Roxbury and Roslindale neighbors. I am no stranger to West Roxbury either but if you are interested in learning
more give me a call. That's our plan. Hope you will join us!
Thanks again,
Pamela S. Julian
State Representative Candidate 10th Suffolk District Primary 2008
[email protected]
holding up the process in committee
By Anonymous
Thu, 09/18/2008 - 1:49pm
The proposal deserves an up or down vote and not any further delaying tactics.
If you have language describing the main purpose of the proposal and the need to have committee members decide their position, I would be willing to use it to write my rep and ask for him to take action or explain his purpose in delaying.
Thanks for paying attention
By Anonymous
Thu, 09/18/2008 - 1:06pm
Thanks for paying attention Pamela. I'm glad you found this thread on U-Hub and introduced yourself.
I can understand Mike Rush's decision to avoid a debate with you. It's serves his purpose but it certainly does not serve the purpose of voters, his constituents of which I am one.
The reasons he provided in the press for why there were no debates settled around things your campaign did or did not do. Is that a fair assessment or did Rush simply not want to own up to a policy of campaigning without a debate?
On social issues, my politics line up better with your politics than with Mike's.
I had an issue this spring I needed help with, help from his office. Having a conversation with Mike involves leaving multiple messages at his office, and on his cell phone, and waiting a long time for him to call you back, if ever. It's not like we have two representatives and you can go to the other when the first one is too busy to help you.
I'm glad you decided to run again. You've got a lot of work to do. I'll follow your campaign with interest. Good luck.
Total Votes 3746
Number of Uncast Votes 230
MICHAEL F. RUSH 2994 79.93%
PAMELA S JULIAN 745 19.89%
citybos - state primary unofficial results
Pamela Julian Thank you!
By pamela julian
Thu, 09/18/2008 - 1:24pm
Pamela Julian
Thank you!
We actually ended up with 26% of the vote.
Enough kindling to build a firestorm and with your help we may win.
All the best!
official election results
By Anonymous
Thu, 09/18/2008 - 1:51pm
Do you have the link to official election results? The one I have is unofficial City of Boston.
Pamela Julian my daughter
By pamela julian
Thu, 09/18/2008 - 1:55pm
Pamela Julian
my daughter found it check associated press.