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The blog post Curt Schilling doesn't want you to read
By adamg on Wed, 10/22/2008 - 8:52pm
In which Big Schill calls out Manny Ramirez. It's gone from 38 Pitches, but the thing about RSS is that nothing's ever really deleted, so Pink Hat Hell reposts the whole thing and adds in commentary on what Schilling can do with his undead post.
Free tagging:
See, the Internet routes around censorship
Or something. In any case, be very careful what you post. Maybe count to 10. Because that deleted Schilling screed is popping up all over the place.
I like reading the unvarnished
stuff like this. He's got to get a handle on this "yeah, I'll say it"... "wait, no I shouldn't have said that" thing though. He did the same thing re: B.Bonds.