You're having a grand old time picking apples at Honey Pot Hill Orchard in Stow. Suddenly, you hear the whine of a propeller plane. It's pretty close. It gets closer - and louder. There, going into a dive, a fighter plane - with two torpedoes on its wings, coming right at you! What do you do? Duck? Scream? Then you remember, this is 2005. And the plane does a barrel roll right over your head. It comes back again and again, then suddenly disappears.
Only to be replaced by a fighter jet! Which also comes right at you and looks like it's out to get you, only it's way louder and meaner than the prop plane. After several passes, it, too, disappears. And then, over the treetops, can it be? Yes, it is TWO WW II bombers, lumbering upward and then around you. Thankfully, they do not disgorge their cargo on you.
According to the folks at the orchard, some rich guy in Stow owns a bunch of planes, and he sent them into the air to celebrate his son's wedding.
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That 4-propellor WWII bomber
By Anonymous
Mon, 10/03/2005 - 11:38am
That 4-propellor WWII bomber was enormous. I'm not sure I've ever seen a plane that big. I was at an orchard in Bolton. Apparently all of Boston went apple-picking this weekend.
Just after takeoff
By adamg
Mon, 10/03/2005 - 11:50am