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Globe's Newton site is live
By adamg on Mon, 11/17/2008 - 2:06pm
I'll take a closer look after work today, but in the meantime, if you spend any time with it, what do you think? Oops, one immediate comment: Your existing boston.com login doesn't work on the site, you have to create a new account. I understand the technical issues involved, but, still, why?
Free tagging:
Feel free to use my account
u: Bugmenot
p: bugmenot
Phoenix teaser links to Globe page?
Why is the top story a Globe review of a Phoenix review? Why not just link to the Phoenix review?
Perhaps the layer of advertising in-between...
I should do that
Create a dummy page for every Globe story I link to. My page views would skyrocket!
Well, for a couple of hours, until people decided I'm being too much of a dink.
Globe photo pasted onto Phoenix review
The interesting thing they've done from a media side -- no doubt in order to avoid the copyright issues -- is to run a Globe staff photo alongside the teasers to content on other sites. If they tried using the Phoenix's photo, they'd probably get a lawyer letter.
It will be interesting to watch how they manage the photo content on the Globe's site over time -- if they have to send out a photographer regularly to get images in order to supplement the content they are linking to.
I really wish more sites used OpenID.
Yeah, OpenID would be cool
Hey, why are you looking at me like that?
I tried installing OpenID here and it didn't work. It's baked into the latest version of Drupal (one rev ahead of where UH is), but I haven't gone beyond a test site with it yet, because there are other things it doesn't support that I'm using now.
I'm not looking at you like that...
I remember you trying it and it not working so I'm not bugging you about it. I'm just airing my frustration.
Oops, sorry
No, I didn't think you were wagging an accusatory finger my way :-). There are some nice things in the new version of Drupal beyond OpenID, which is why I've set up a test site to get ready for it.
Boston.com's Newton site
Hi, Adam ... on the regi issue: The only time you have to log in for the Newton site is if you want to contribute to the wiki. It's third-party software (XWiki), and rather than delay launch to integrate that registration system with ours, we decided to launch, let people bang on the site, and as we make improvements, eventually integrate the wiki regi with our existing registration db. But you're right; we should make the wiki as easy as possible to use.
Teresa Hanafin
Just curious
Why choose Xwiki over MediaWiki?
XWiki vs. MediaWiki
Hi, Kaz -- Our Product and Tech folks chose XWiki over MediaWiki (which powers Wikipedia, among other sites) mainly because XWiki has a feature called "Spaces" that lets you create different templates for each town wiki. Apparently MediaWiki behaves as a single wiki.
As we build out more town sites, the town wikis will be connected to each other, but they will also be distinct. I think that was the dealmaker for us.
Teresa Hanafin
Ok, I can see why that would be important for your application. My company uses an internal MediaWiki implementation as a knowledgebase and I'm a big fan of it ever since I started editing heavily on Wikipedia. I feel like MediaWiki is a little more "time-tested" than some of the other implements out there and might be bit easier to secure/maintain against malicious users (primarily because of how much hammering Wikipedia gets). But part of it's maintenance ease does come from it's lack of a Spaces-like implementation of any kind.
Good luck. The strength of running community-generated content is in the number of users/editors...but that's also its greatest weakness too.
Good and bad
I've spent some time with this Newton thing (dear Boston.com: Please come up with a name for these sites, mkay?). There's some way cool stuff, and I give the Globe props for some serious attention to letting visitors participate, but as a community platform, it needs a fair amount of work.
First, the good stuff: The site successfully aggregates all the Newton stuff the Globe already has: News, classifieds, real-estate listings, calendar, sports, etc. There's even a Newton-specific search engine. All by itself, that's a great start for city-specific site, and it's probably something boston.com should have done a long time ago.
But, at least initially, that's sort of where it ends (and here is where I begin criticism of a site that just went live today). Sure, there's the aggregation of other local news and voices, but they may have done too good a job of blending it into their design. There's no "voice" to the thing, no sense that there's somebody who's really enthusiastic about the Garden City and wants you to know about all this cool stuff he's found and hear what think about it. It all feels kind of auto-generated - a homegrown Outside.in just with more photos.
There's also a sort of disconnectedness to the different pieces. Part of it's simple design - Newton forums and real-estate listings should look like part of this new Newton site, not part of the "old" boston.com.
But there's a more fundamental issue of disjointedness when it comes to community participation - something you really want to avoid, because that participation is what's going to get people to come back every single day, not calendar listings. The site offers three ways for readers to participate, and none are really connected to the other two: Comment on a news story and people who frequent the forums will never see your post (and vice versa). And visitors to either of those commenting areas won't see any interesting stuff in the wiki, unless, of course, they scan the entire front page, which they might not.
Some minor nits: There's no RSS feeds for anything outside the wiki and the forums (the real-estate listings have an RSS feed - but it's for Globe arts stories!). "Newton" at the tops of pages should be linked back to the home page, because pretty much everybody expects that (even with that "home" button in the toolbar). The Wiki Add/Edit tabs are at the very bottom but should be right at the top, as another way to encourage participation by people who may not grok wikis. The link to mbta.com at the very top of the page is a waste of valuable real estate.
Globe-GateHouse death match
Dan Kennedy analyzes the site, concludes boston.com has leapfrogged over Wicked Local Newton as a Newton portal (although Greg Reibman of the latter might disagree), but hopes both news outlets find a way to stay around.