The Herald reports that WTKK has replaced non-Pulitzer-winning talk-show host Jay Severin with Michael Graham. Or, as Dan puts it:
WTKK Radio (96.9 FM) has replaced trash-talking, Muslim-bashing afternoon-drive-time host Jay Severin with trash-talking, Muslim-bashing afternoon-drive-time host Michael Graham.
Michael himself puts it this way:
Starting today, the Michael Graham Experience officially arrives at 96.9 FM WTKK in Boston, MA. All I can say is, somebody better buy Ted Kennedy a drink. Quick.
Such refreshing and original irreverence! Why, Howie Carr probably doesn't make a joke like that more than, oh, five or six times a day.
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By Rob
Tue, 11/15/2005 - 1:02pm
I usually disagree with Jay Severin but I can appreciate that the man at least tries to approach things from an intellectual viewpoint instead of just the usual boring hack talk of Howie Carr. He is also consistent. One example is how he hammers most Republicans for being pro-life. He wants government out of his life all the way around and he says that forces him intellectually to be pro-choice. Now, I have a fundamental disagreement with Severin's view of government's role in this country, but I can at least respect where he is coming from. As I say that I remember his suggestion we should have nuked Afghanistan but nevertheless I would still say compared to most of the right-wing blowhards on radio like Carr and Rush, Severin is still one of the better conservatives. I have never listened to Graham and only know what I've read in the media about him, but having perused his site I doubt he will be as interesting as Severin and will probably just be a screamer like Michael Savage.
Jay Severin gone for good?
By Steve The Golfer
Tue, 11/22/2005 - 2:36pm
This is a shame. I did not always agree with Jay either but found his intellectual and logical approach facinating and interesting to listen too. The new host falls woefully short of the standard set by Jay and is very difficult (a screamer) to listen to. I hope the sponsors of the afternoon drive home segment will kick and scream to get Jay back to sell their products. That is the only way we will get him back. For the time being it's back to scanning the radio dial to fill the void.
The last I'd read ...
By adamg
Tue, 11/22/2005 - 2:50pm
He signed a contract with Infinity, which meant he might come back to Boston as a replacement for Brudnoy sometime next year.
By Spatch
Tue, 11/15/2005 - 1:03pm
Michael Graham
By mmespell
Wed, 12/07/2005 - 11:43am
Don't much agree with Jay but he was quite sharp and entertaining. Michael Graham's show is unlistenable. Too bad.
I simply can not listen to
By Anonymous
Wed, 12/07/2005 - 2:02pm
I simply can not listen to Jays replacement any longer. I tried but it's become clear who he is after just a couple of shows... a republican talking-head. We already know what the Bush administration thinks.....that's not why we tune in. If we wanted those points of view we'd tune into a FOX personality.
This guy issues challenges to callers and then gives them ten seconds to make their point. The best part is he then cuts them off before they make him look bad as he proceeds to ridicule them since they are no longer on the air. If he was half the brainiac he pretends to be he'd keep the caller on and let them follow up but I guess he's too afraid they might expose him as a fraud. What is he worried about? It's become painfully obvious the listeners (or at least the callers) are no longer the best and the brightest anymore. None of them can offer a decent counter argument. Are all the smart callers screened out or have they all simply tuned out? It's really a shame. They had a great thing going. If I were an advertizer I would pull my adds for sure.
Jays format was way better because he allowed callers the time necessary to make their points without fear that they would make him look bad. I think Jay understood that his loyal listeners already pretty much knew where he stood and the average listener was just as interested in what the callers have to say. It was that interaction that made the show appealing to listen to.
Good luck to them. I'll give the new show six months max. I hope Jay's new show airs in Boston. Until then we'll have to hold our nose and listen to Howie.......
Not cool...
By Gary
Tue, 12/20/2005 - 9:50pm
This sucks! Sorry to no be witty but wtf??? No Jay?? Boston has lost a leader...this is sad!
(been out of town for a while..sorry)
oh..and this new guy mega sucks...absolute crap.
jay is back
By Anonymous
Wed, 12/28/2005 - 12:42pm
I believe starting Jan 3rd....
Lousy time slot (7:00pm - 10:00pm) but still better than Laura Ingram.
Jay is back??
By Anonymous
Tue, 01/03/2006 - 1:51pm
Why did they bring him back in that time slot??? IF I were him I wouldn't come back at all then. I don't even listen to the station anymore. Used to be my favorite and was a loyal Jay fan..I too did not always agree with what he said but he would always make me think. Does anyone know when he starts with Infinity?
Jay back and his replacement
By B. Tyalor
Wed, 01/04/2006 - 12:49pm
I hate the new guy and Jay's new time is a bummer. I am usually home by the time he will come on now. I am also a bit bummed out by the fact that WTKK lost the first 5 minutes of his first show back the other night. I was hoping for some explanantion of where he has been but by the time the got it on he was already in full swing. Get him back in the drive time slot so we cna all enjoy it. I no longer listen to WTKK on the way home and have to listen to other dribble because I cannot stand the new guy.
The new guy can't hold Jay's
By jim
Thu, 01/05/2006 - 9:00am
The new guy can't hold Jay's mic that's for sure. The callers are not on nearly long enough to make their point. So what if "the phone lines are lighting up." What sense does it make to get EVERYBODY on only to give them a few seconds? It's almost...dare I say....liberal?
Plus he spews out more Bush propaganda than Rush or Hannity combined.
I heard rumors that Jay is in Cincy now and the show is syndicated....that would explain the crappy time slot.
Funny how the first five minutes of the first show was cut. I'll bet that 96.9 in Boston was the only station in the country that happened on. Hmmmmm....sour grapes perhaps? Looks like Jay really pi$$ed some of the management off on his way out of Dodge!! It was beginning to be "his" station really and obviously they didn't like how much power he had.
I'm sure the fact that some of his lies were catching up to him prompted his move as well.
Personally I don't think WTKK or Jay's new show will last very long. WHY CAN'T EVERYONE JUST GET ALONG???