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Memo to HR departments, re: Swine flu

Davis Square MBTA.  Only one of us will survive. on Twitpic

Davis Square statue this morning. Photo by Ringsided.

None of your employees were really worried about swine flu until you all decided this week to send out memos about it. Now they're worried. Please stop taking communications lessons from the Herald, which apparently hasn't gotten the news that while four Massachusetts children died this past winter from boring regular flu, nobody's actually died here from KILLER FLU.

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if HR departments think about this, it might be an excellent time to realize sane sick-day policies which would improve the well being of everyone. I'm tired of my coworkers bringing me illnesses and then feeling like I have to drag myself in because caling in sick is such a freaking pain in the ass.

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I wouldn't generalize from a single Twit.

I'd even go so far as to say that the voiced opinion of a Twit should be valued as substantially less than that of a normal person.


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In the interests of time, I only linked to one. :-).

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