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MBTA starts disinfecting poles on trains


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  1. Uh oh, the last time someone thought to "disinfect the Poles from the trains" it didn't end well...
  2. You mean they weren't cleaning them to begin with? Oh, gross.
  3. And what hole of the Earth did the money to afford this extra level of detail suddenly spring from?
  4. Great, so now if I lick the poles I'm going to die of bleach poisoning!
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That is the question.

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Arresting people for spitting? Oh, god, that's so ridiculous.

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Unless and until they uncrowd the trains by running enough of them at peak times and significantly raise the fresh air mixing (or install UV sterilization on the recirculation ducting), this show of concern ain't gonna do squat.

Statistical analyses of past flu pandemics have shown that it is nearly impossible for the rate of spread to be accounted for by "droplets" or dirty poles/surfaces alone. Only airborne spread can account for the rate at which the 1918 flu ripped through major cities. There is little or no evidence that hand contact spreads flu - norovirus, yes, flu no. Praying is probably more effective due to positive effects on stress levels.

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Unless this thing mutates into something far more virulent, I am saying that a norovirus is worse (if you've had a norovirus, you know what I'm talking about). For those of you who haven't suffice it to say with flu you pray to live, with norovirus, you pray to die. soon.

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It might go a long way towards at least minimizing the chances of people contracting heaven-knows-what when they ride the crowded MBTA trains or buses.

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