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How do you hold in a cough for so long?

Mike Mennonno took his first subway ride in awhile yesterday - armed with a copy of an E.B. White essay he wanted to read about a dying pig with an infectious disease (Mike is cheery like that). He reports an amazing thing:

... [N]o one -- and I am not exaggerating here -- no one in my car coughed or sneezed the entire trip. Seriously, I don't think I've ever experienced anything like it before. Usually people do a good deal of coughing and sneezing on public transit. I've always suspected that most of it is psychogenic -- no physical cause. Rather, people do it to further insulate themselves when in close contact with strangers. They're essentially saying: "Stay away! I'll cough on you! Keep your distance! I'll sneeze on you!" Not that they're exactly conscious of their motives. ...

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Or maybe we're in the wonderful part of spring that happens after cold/flu season passes and just before the late-spring pollen blast from flowering trees.

It also rained heavily yesterday, Mike, further clearing the air.

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Funny, I ride the T everyday and hardly anyone is coughing or sneezing to my recognition most days, although I do notice many varieties of socially unacceptable (in that context) behavior. It's really appalling that we have a mayor so distant from everyday experience of most Bostonians, namely, riding the T.

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