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Extreme Makeover: Medfield Edition

In case you missed it, last night's "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition" involved a young Medfield boy with a disease that has left him unable to walk. David, who lives in Medfield, discusses:

... The entire town was involved: our pal David Sharff was the architect, and a gazillion tradespeople donated their time (one of our son's coaches was one of the 23 (!) plumbers, and the coordination was beyond belief: leveling and carting away the old house, digging the new foundation (which I think included removing some ledge), and then building the entire thing in less than a week. We had several chances to watch the process, and I think (I'm not sure, since I was bawling the whole time) it was amazing. ...

He gives a special shout-out to Medfield's own Curt Schilling, who got involved as well.

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