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Time to bid adieu to the Captain?

Bill Chuck makes the case that the Sox need to wish Tek well and move on.

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I can't open the page - but here's my .02 on why we should keep Tek.

Look... we have a bad habit of saying "We've got someone better at ... than you, buh bye" in this city. I love the Sox, and I have since Eddie Bursoud was the utility infielder/2nd baseman. I've seen them through some really lean years and I adore Tek. I will not lie.

But I wonder how many folks who wanted to jettison Lowell are now "woo hoo Mikey's at bat!" over the past few games?

Tek is with us because he is an asset to the teams. He is the Jake Taylor of the Sox: the guy who can be a leader even though his knees are shot. I suspect the overall thought is that he is being groomed to be the bench coach and follow in Tito's footsteps. We had a pretty big scare earlier in the season when Tito got in an umpire's face and the umpire had to help steady him when his blood pressure shot through the roof. So who do you replace Tito with?

Oh sure there are plenty of guys out there that can manage, but as anyone who has been involved with the Sox will tell you, managing the Sox is not like managing other clubs. (And that can be said for the Yankees as well.) My personal speculation: do not be surprised to see Kapler managing the bench in Lowell one day and Tek managing the bench in Boston. Between the two of them you would develop an incredibly stable and strong system that will always be a contender for years to come.

So we keep Tek for this year and start transitioning him next year. Trust me, it's all for the best.

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Seems NESN's URLs change if their headlines change, which is what happened with this article.

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Francona had no connection with the Sox before his current, successful run as manager, yet you're insisting that not only Varitek, but also Mike Lowell AND Tampa Bay Ray Gabe Kapler need to have management positions in the team? Why, because you bought their jerseys? There's zero statistical evidence that Varitek matters to the actual results of the pitching staff (ERA, etc...), so what's the urgency in elevating this guy? I'll give you that he has an inside edge in positive NESN coverage though.

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