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The elderly Russian Jews of Brighton got their City Council marching orders
By adamg on Tue, 09/22/2009 - 7:37pm
Michael Pahre posts a copy of a "sample" ballot distributed by the friends of local ward boss Naakh Vysoky.
Free tagging:
This is nothing new
These have been distributed in that area for years. It's not illegal as long as they're distributed X feet from the polling place. I think these surfaced after they cracked down on the "assistants" explaining in Russian how to vote with a few too many details about where exactly to make the marks. One year when I lived in Brighton there were election officials armed with certified translators listening in on the "assistance" given to Russian voters and telling them right there in real time "no, you can't explain who a candidate is" and so forth. One volunteer was actually told to get out of the polling place immediately.
Wow, this is straight out of the old days of Martin Lomasney in the old West End. Does someone need a job as a lamplighter?