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Glad Lester is only bruised

Like other Sox fans, Beth watched in horror as Jon Lester crumpled to the mound last night:

... The attachment to Jon Lester is deeper and more personal than for many other players among Sox fans, a feeling embodied perfectly by the way Tito gently touched his head, then shoulders, once Lester was on his feet again, as if he were his own child.

I had tears in my eyes watching Lester roll around next to the mound and grimace in agony, clutching his knee. Nobody wants to see that with any player--but with Lester, our homegrown boy, our survivor, seeing him in that kind of pain was especially cruel. ...

Red, meanwhile, considers the Captain:

... One thing that both sides agree on, however, is that Jason Varitek should be used only in emergency situations from here on out. Aliens taking over the world and holding Victor Martinez in the mothership? Well, call Fisk and Bob Montgomery. If they're not available, then let Tek catch. End of story. ...



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