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Be part of change in Boston's Parks and Open Spaces

Would you like to part of a growing network working to improve Boston's parks and open spaces? How do we tap the support of an energized Mayor? What will it take to support proposals by city councilors who see how important park and open spaces are to our city? How do we address the challenges posed by further budget and staffing cuts to state parks in our city? Come to the Boston Park Advocates meeting this Thursday - details and agenda below:

Boston Park Advocates
AGENDA for Strategy Meeting and Debate Follow-up
December 3, 2009, at 6-8 pm (pizza at 5:30m pm)
Boston Natural Areas Network
62 Summer Street (enter on Otis Street) in Downtown Crossing
2nd floor conference room
PLEASE RSVP to [email protected]

I Welcome and Introductions, Network Building

II City Parks - Election Follow Up
A Tapping the Mayor’s Support
B Proposals from City Councilors
- Transparent Permitting
- Vacant Land Reuse
- Funding
- Trees – Maintenance and Replacement
- Programming
- Increasing the Capital Budget

III State Budget Crisis and DCR Parks
A Overview of Budget and Staffing Crisis
B How Is It Impacting Your Park?

IV Networking and Communication
A Best Ways to Share Information
B What Do You Need to Involve Your Network?


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