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Man brooches

Blogorelli critiques Oscar fashions, with her eye particularly drawn to the jeweled brooches worn by several men:

... "Man brooches...MAAAaaaAn BROooOcheS!" In my personal favorite trend of the night, many gentleman wore jeweled brooches on their suits. I was into it ... it will be my new favorite thing to scream on the street in 2010, when Boston males actually catch up to fashion-forward trends and stop wearing khackis with pleats.

More Oscar notes:

Boston Mommy love the obviously breast-feeding Jennifer Garner, not so hot on having one of her kids turn up really sick in the middle of it all.

Bostonianne: Isn't Crash about James Spader being a perv?

Collateral Damage: As with King Canute commanding that the tide not come in, whatshisname the Academy president and several other people tried to command the DVDs not to come in and replace movie theaters.

Francesca Vitale: Reese Witherspoon's speech made me cry. She seems like a genuine person:

... There were an alarming number of misplaced giant bows on people's gowns last night. These women looked like extras from Attack of the Killer Gift Wrap or something. ...

Frinkiac.org: So, seriously, what's up with the montages?

Chris Cagle: It was nice to see surrealism return to the choreographed numbers, in form of a real burning car for Crash.

Carrie: I thought Jon Stewart did an okay job as host:

You could tell he was a bit out of his element. His opening monologue was kinda shaky but he seemed to relax more as the show wore on. ... I missed the start of the "Oh! That guy died!?" part of the show. Did they have Don Knotts in there? Or what about the the guy who played the father in A Christmas Story? ...

Gnomi: George Clooney is a class act. I'm just saying.

David Pye: George Clooney Is Not Cary Grant.

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