Coffee wars
Aaron Margolis likes Starbucks so much, he's willing to ignore its Blue-Stateness and chug down its black gold. And he says its new New England blend is far superior to Dunkin' Donuts swill:
... Having consumed a 20-oz. cup of New England Blend every morning for the past few days, I give it high marks. A very nice cup of coffee indeed. ...
Yeah, tell that to Steve Garfield, who's ecstastic that he got a 49-cent medium coffee at his local Dunkin' Donuts this morning.
Roberto Scalese, meanwhile, can't get enough of the Double-D's new cookies:
Sweet Lord God, they're good.
Colleen Cunningham, a Dunkin' Donuts fan, shocked even herself the other day when she heard the words Grande soy iced cafe latte with a peppermint shot, please come out of her mouth.
...ongoing DD vs. Sbux debate
Okay, I drank Dunkin' coffee when I was, um... 15 years old? I can't imagine drinking that burnt liquid crap as an adult. I'm not Starbucks biggest fan, but I'll take their drip coffee any day over Drunkin' Donkey.
*Eye Roll*
Who CARES what coffee people drink? Yes, we all are allowed to have different tastes. I like:
Dunkins over Starbucks
Colgate over Crest
Coke over Pepsi
Red Sox over Yankees (okay, that one I'd fight over :)
But I honestly could give a rats behind if someone likes the other. Get over it!
Real Bostonians drink Dunkin
Real Bostonians drink Dunkin Donuts. Think back a few years--Starbucks didn't exist around here! DD is old school and you can order by saying "small regular" and they'll know what you mean. None of this espresso latte venti crap. Listen to Denis Leary's stand-up bit about coffee and you'll know what I'm talking about.
Starbucks didn't exist ....
... but Coffee Connection did. (Then Starbucks bought them.)
Coffee Connection
Yeah, but Coffee Connection was good.
Dudes. $.51 for a coffee?
Dudes. $.51 for a coffee? I've got the shakes something fierce, but that's some good times. Good on ya, Dunkin.
$.51 for swill?
Sounds like overpriced swill to me.
What I dispise about DD is that they claim to be this patriotic true blue American company, yet have you seen who they employ? It's nearly all illegals who are willing to work ar the low wages they provide. I have nothing against illegal immigrants (I would do exactly the same if I was born in their native countries and I know that most readers would also), but I DO have something against lying marketing slogans and the bullshit patriotism flag waving that DD portrays in nearly all it's advertisements.
Starbucks is somehow deemed an elitist un-patriotic company by DD consumers. Yet, when I go to Starbucks I usually see an American-born HS or college level kid attending to my order and making the shots. He is likely getting some kind of healthcare program, (however underfunded it might be) and a somewhat decent wage, something that makes it worth working for. DD is nothing but a modern day con-man, a large marketing company with very little concern (or money spent) on the end product.
Not that I advocate Starbuck's either. I just think they are a little more honest. The coffee may be overpriced, but you know that going in. There's no bullshit patriotism marketing ploys. Keep buying into the patriotic line of crap DD is selling you, and take comfort in the happiness you are bringing to all their marketing managers.