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Hong Kong family gets expensive education in American legal system

The Globe today reports on a lawsuit by a Hong Kong couple against a Cambridge consultant they claim said he could get their sons into Harvard - for a bit over $2 million.

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Two less than honorable suckers got hustled. Kind of surprised, HK people are pretty slick.

Just saying.

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The gentle racism!

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My post was hardly 'racist'. Even most Chinese would admit Hong Kong folks are [to put it politely] City Slickers.

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and so MANY of them!

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HK people are pretty slick.

Manhattanites are pretty slick.

Bostonians are gpretty slick.

Londoners are pretty slick.

A generalization? Yes. Racist? You have absolutely no way of knowing. Why is everyone on here so quick to call others a "racist"?

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Maybe because you had to write "Just saying".

And if those people are so "slick" why do they spend days in line to get an iPhone that they'll be able to walk in and buy anywhere if they just waited a few days?

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Yes, that is a dead giveaway of an evil racist.

Bostonians are pretty rude. Just saying. ie; I hate black people.

People waited for Iphones because they wanted them. What does that have to do with anything? FYI-it's been weeks and you still can't walk in and get an Iphone 5. I guess you aren't as slick as you think you are.

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When you omit the phrase "just saying" it takes everyone a little bit longer to figure out you've said nothing worth hearing.

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It's called having a chip on your shoulder. Some people unfortunately have a chip on their shoulder.

My posy WAS NOT meant in ANY way to be 'racist'. It was more a reflection of a place [HONG KONG] and the people who live their. They are NOTORIOUS and AGGRESSIVE status seekers.

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Well. That MUST be a sneaky Hong Kong thing ...



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