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Who is Cars Olny and why does he get his own lane on Soldiers Field Road?


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He's the new Swedish Diplomat to Boston.

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in braille for those out of state tour bus drivers, Canadian truck drivers and uhaul renting college students.

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If olny the signs could broadcast a signal that would make a GPS unit scream like a dying cyberman.

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That's really bad. If it were something like a misplaced apostrophe then I might have more sympathy, but this just smacks of "spelling check is not my job". (Or maybe "splleing check" is more appropriate.)

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I'm really surprised by this illiteracy, sloppiness and lack of attention to detail, said absolutely nobody.

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Is the name of the engineer who signed off on that sign a public record?

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is no assurance it won't be spelled incorrectly by the fabricator in the sign shop. Especially when it comes to simple transposition errors like "OLNY".

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Cars from Ol' NY. I don't see the problem.

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I have to say, I'm sure this was a typo, but it's almost like it could be a subliminal way of making you notice the sign...

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When I was in junior high school, I had an older teacher who would say to the students who messed around in his class, "Keep screwing around, they always need people to paint lines on the road". I guess they hire the same individuals to spell highway signs.

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OMG, that made me laugh out loud, and sounds like something one of the old-timey teachers in my school would have said.

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Ironically, the guy/girls "who paint lines on the road probably have more secure jobs and pay/benefits that are better, or at least competitive with some of the best students your teacher had in his class.

To quote Judge Smails..."The world needs ditch diggers too."

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I didn't even know they were making Idiocracy 2, let alone filming it in Boston.

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Several years ago, one of the green interstate-type signs above route 3 on the way to Plymouth read Pilmoth Plantation instead of Plimoth Plantation.

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is the old time spelling. Oops...my dyslexia is kicking in.

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One sign is "normal" while the other is for survivors of dyslexia.

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I wish they had a SCAR ONLY lane that I could use.

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donated to residents of Olneyville (Providence). I bet a lot of misspelled signs could go there to live.

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