Phillips Street Park (Beacon Hill) Renovations
Last night, the Boston Parks Department hosted a public meeting to discuss renovations to the Phillips Street Park (which is on Phillips Street between Garden and Anderson on Beacon Hill).
The meeting was led by Angie Murray, project manager, from Boston Parks. Also in attendance: Claire Couric Batchelor from CBA Landscape Architects.
Ms. Murray is planning a three-meeting planning process. During this first meeting, she opened the discussion to the audience to discuss what is liked and not liked about the park.
Universal consensus from the group:
1-- Add more green. Round out the rough edges on the outside of the park
2-- Add more green to the flat brick in the middle of the park to break it up more, and soften the noise from the park.
The next meeting will be in about a month, where potential designs will be presented.
Those with ideas about the park should contact Ms. Murray. She left her business card:
617-635-4505 ext. 3058
[email protected]