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Oh, no, the leggings are back

Sushiesque rues:

I was in Harvard Square on Friday when I saw a girl who appeared to be wearing a long knit shirt and vintage 80s stirrup pants. Upon closer inspection, they were not pants at all. It had only been spring for half a day and leggings had already begun to emerge from hibernation. ...

But she decides to do more than just curse the leggings: She comes up with a set of downloadable notices you can hand to the legging-afflicted.

Meanwhile, over at BU, a concerned student writes:

To the girl walking down Comm Ave today in jeans, Uggs, and a hoodie: Are you on crack?

Blogorelli's fashion-offense warnings.

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It blows my mind the fascination with leggings among bloggers on here. Does it really matter? Hey at least its something outside of the normal Sox and Pats clothing that is standard uniform for 75% of new england.

These must be the most not-busy people on the east coast. Instead of losing sleep over college girls' fashion trends, why not take that free time and clean up a city park or volunteer at a homeless shelter? This would be a much better city if there were less people sitting on their asses e-whining about miniscule b.s. all day.

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You are right - we should all go clean up parks or feed the homeless or something. But I really doubt anybody's spending more than the roughly two minutes it takes to post a complaint about leggings thinking about leggings, let alone losing sleep over them (anybody losing sleep over leggings? Time for some of that glowing luna-moth stuff). OK, maybe that one poster and her friends spent more than two minutes designing those Wear-Pants cards, but come on, everybody needs a break sometimes - do you spend your entire day doing nothing but thinking Deep Thoughts?

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do you spend your entire day doing nothing but thinking Deep Thoughts?

I like cereal.

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doing charitable works and making jokes are mutually exclusive activities, unlike doing charitable works and complaining about other people making jokes.

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Surely you should be devoting every waking moment of your day to charitable works. Not a second shall ye complain! Not a moment shall ye make jokes! This is SERIOUS BUSINESS!

Whoa, hold on a sec, my eyes rolled so hard I can't find them; I think they went under the sofa.

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Send Abbie to find them; I'm sure he'd be more than happy to help.

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You should see the things HE puts under the sofa.

I had to stop giving him the plastic milk carton rings because all he'd do is bat them under the sofa and then get mad because I wouldn't lift the sofa up to retrieve them.

He gets similarly upset when he pushes a bouncy ball down the front entry stairs (I think he loves to hear it go thumk, thumk, thumk, and who wouldn't?) but nobody wants to go down and get the ball for him.

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1) I'm anti-leggings. I'm the Rachel mentioned in Sushiesque's blog post. I think I was responsible for "excuse me, you seem to have forgotten your pants." I've also distributed the cards.

2) I'm quite busy, thanks. In fact, I'm training to do a twenty mile Walk for Hunger for Project Bread in two weeks. Care to donate? You can visit my walk webpage at www.projectbread.org/goto/rachelmiller.

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http://www.projectbread.org/goto/rachelmiller (without the period at the end)

I, on the other hand, am just a bad person.

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I personally dedicate myself to the eradication of leggings because it affects me so deeply. Litter? Just ignore it, it'll blow into the Charles eventually. Hungry people? They won't be hungry once they're dead. But a college chick who's fallen victim to the Freshman 15 wearing too-small leggings over her gelatinous thighs? Horrifying. I do think that we need to keep in mind the real problems of the world.

Sweet God. Is it really either banal concerns or frivolity 100% of the time? What a boring life.

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I wrote about seeing tube tops yesterday - then I punched a homeless guy in the face and pushed a nursing mother down the stairs.

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