By adamg on Thu., 12/8/2016 - 10:32 am
Cambridge Day reports on swastikas and other unspecified "hateful language" that appeared in three boys' rooms at Cambridge Rindge and Latin School this week.
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(In before Roman)
By TommyJeff
Thu, 12/08/2016 - 10:33am
Myth! Myth!
By Sock_Puppet
Thu, 12/08/2016 - 10:36am
By DapperManS
Thu, 12/08/2016 - 10:41am
Stop giving media attention to these idiots!
This is not "Trumpland" - I graduated High School over a decade ago and this type of petty vandalism was rampant back then. No one gave it a second thought because everyone knew it was drawn by attention starved idiots looking to get a raise out of people - dont buy into it. If the person was caught they would be suspended/expelled, and the janitor cleaned it off, usually same day.
You're only giving these kids more incentive to vandalize when they know they can get in the paper. The media is taking the bait.
I graduated just over 2 decades ago.
By TommyJeff
Thu, 12/08/2016 - 11:54am
Never, EVER saw shit like this.
So maybe it IS getting worse?
The point is, these things are happening all over with increasing frequency due to Orange Julius' openly hostility and 'wink & a nod' acceptance of the new white supremacy movement (Alt-Right).
I graduated three decades ago
By Ralph Boston
Thu, 12/08/2016 - 7:32pm
And I have to agree with Dapperman's assessment that this sort of thing was ubiquitous back then, in my school at least. All kinds of senseless vandalism against gays, every ethnic group imaginable, etc.
it was bad, it was destructive to school property, and the school custodial staff surely wanted to get ahold of who was responsible. not only because their ethnicities were well represented in the vandalism but also because they had devote countless hours to cleaning up that shit.
Same petty nonsense
By anon
Thu, 12/08/2016 - 12:28pm
This is not new, nor is it some new movement of hate. It is the same petty nonsense that has gone on in high schools since time immemorial. I was in high school in the 70s in the days of old wooden desks and they had every kind of thing carved into them and occasionally there was a swastika or some other thing now categorized as hate language (especially of the homophobic kind). Also in the boys bathrooms. The roof did not cave in like it does now because everyone knew it was done by idiots without a lot of thought behind it. Not to say it is right. But there is no "Trumpland" except that created by the media.
Would have to agree - in part
By Stevil
Thu, 12/08/2016 - 12:57pm
Although Trump-mania is probably driving - or perhaps better emboldening - a few of these people.
There was a kid in my grammar school with a serious Nazi fetish and drew Swastikas on everything he could. That was 1976ish. He recruited one other kid to his cause which was mainly to "heil" each other and torment one of the other boys in the class.
Today he'd probably get dragged off to counseling - and my recollection is that the three of them (tormentors and tormentee) all needed counseling.
Making me think now...
By Pete Nice
Thu, 12/08/2016 - 1:05pm
Like littering, this type of hate speech written in public spaces used to be a lot more common than it is today. I was in grad school at a liberal arts school in upstate New York in the early 1990s and there was a ton of racist, misogynistic, homophobic graffiti in the library there. I can't remember high school so much however.
By lbb
Thu, 12/08/2016 - 1:51pm
And this is a reason why we should ignore it and not comment on it today because...?
Please don't say "it just encourages them". Until you've been one of the kids targeted by hateful graffiti, you are in no position to say that it's OK for authorities and adults in the community to not respond. They are encouraged by silence too.
The argument isn't that it's okay
By Waquiot
Thu, 12/08/2016 - 2:44pm
The argument is that it is nothing new.
My gut is that people's assumption that this is a part of "Trumpland" is a bit much, but still, kids should be taught that this is uncool.
I think back to the post from that guy in Wellesley who suffered some racist banter back in the summer. If Clinton won, would we be talking about it? Probably not, which is probably worse than talking about it in terms of Trumps impending Presidency. People shouldn't be drawing swastikas or leaving racist, sexist, or homophobic graffiti or even spray painting that certain politicians "suck" or that people should have sexual relations with certain politicians, but again, this is nothing new.
And I'll admit this, and you will excoriate me for it, but as a stupid kid of maybe 11, yes, I used to draw swastikas in my notebooks at school. Not an obsession, just doodling when bored in class. Then I found out what was done in their name. Suffice to say, that behavior stopped quickly.
War movies influence
By Ralph Boston
Thu, 12/08/2016 - 7:37pm
My friends and I used to draw war scenes in our notebooks. It was a passing phase for me at least, mostly because I can't draw worth a crap. But there were tons of swastikas on the bad guys' airplanes in these drawings. As well as Japanese rising suns on kamikaze planes, etc. I'm certain that some of those drawings showed the German planes bombing the Allies or shooting them down because...that did happen in real life and in the movies. Now that I look back I'm glad nobody who saw the drawings took them out of context.
Oh, yeah
By Waquiot
Thu, 12/08/2016 - 8:12pm
That was it, and ironically there was Hogan's Heroes to boot.
I'm not saying that.
By Pete Nice
Thu, 12/08/2016 - 3:34pm
But maybe we don't need to put a news article each time a swastika is written on a bathroom wall with no intended victim or target.
And most of these instances are secondary schools or younger, which means the action more likely than not isn't coming from a place of hate. (Not saying that it should be investigated, dealt with, and punishments given out)
No intended victim or target
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 12/08/2016 - 8:24pm
The next time some idiot blows up a public place, will you be saying "but there was no intended victim or target"?
This is a form of terrorism.
We aren't talking about blowing things up.
By Pete Nice
Thu, 12/08/2016 - 8:59pm
Get real.
blowing something up means some sort of intent, recklessness, or negligence at the least to cause real physical harm.
Your smarter than that swirly.
Really? Who did you hang out with then?
By Lily
Thu, 12/08/2016 - 1:04pm
Look, I'm in more than one group that organized hate groups, well...hate. So, yes, I've always been aware of in-born prejudices, biases, and hatred for the groups I'm in (Jewish, immigrant, woman), but in the last year: 1) the outright hate has been more blatant, and 2) happening more.
I'm honestly curious about everyone who claims this level of hate has always been thus. Where? When? I grew up and went to high school in this area too. Yes, there was some hate and systemic antisemitism at my high school. But nothing in my lifetime compares to this. My grandfather's lifetime is the comparison.
Perhaps you are just waking up to the level of hate in this country, maybe that's where these "it will all be OK" messages come from. I know how difficult living with that knowledge is; it's uncomfortable to reconcile these horrible ideas with the society we all live in, and are mostly comfortable with. But denying reality - and the experiences people tell you they're having - is not helpful; in fact, it's detrimental.
If you are one of the "good people," listen to these experiences instead of denying them and work to defeat this hate. You are either helping or hurting; the middle ground is not an option.
It is more blatant because you see it in the news.
By Pete Nice
Thu, 12/08/2016 - 3:36pm
I'll admit that from 1995 to 2015 you didn't see that much in the news either, but I truly believe that you saw this a lot more before 1995.
By bosguy22
Thu, 12/08/2016 - 4:36pm
Want to know why you didn't see it in 1995? No facebook, no twitter, no way to be instantly outraged and display your outrage for all the world to see.
Yes, it's all about outrage.
By TommyJeff
Fri, 12/09/2016 - 8:17am
And has nothing to do with the speed at which information travels now vs.15 years ago.
You make more noise than the people you complain about.
Anti-Muslim assaults reach 9/11-era levels, FBI data show
By Felicity
Thu, 12/08/2016 - 10:21pm
By Waquiot
Fri, 12/09/2016 - 12:14am
Some would blame Trump, but others would say he reacted rather than incited. He reacted to San Bernadino and by Orlando doubled down. Of course, several events in France and Belgium also helped fan the flames.
Look, I like Islam and know that the average Muslim is as moderate as the average Christian, but I'm not everybody. People see acts of terror done in the name of Islam and react in bad ways. Daesh is expecting the backlash to build its base.
Now, anti-immigrant violence, I think saying Trump didn't toxify the air on that is stretching the truth.
Given that 6.5% of Cambridge
By anon
Thu, 12/08/2016 - 10:55am
Given that 6.5% of Cambridge voters voted for Trump, this was obviously, clearly done by one of them. Because it goes without saying that Clinton voters (89.2%) are never, ever bigots. None of them. You've got it all figured out Adam!
Oh, yeah, thanks for reminding me
By adamg
Thu, 12/08/2016 - 11:40am
Posters For White Supremacist Group Found On Emerson College Campus.
Kinda like
By anon
Thu, 12/08/2016 - 12:25pm
Weaselly students stories not holding up after an investigation regard two idiots from Babson.
People including YOU, are simply unhappy with the results of an election and are being childish and petty. Including going as far as reporting false hate crime to authorities.
The wording throughout that Herald article
By TommyJeff
Fri, 12/09/2016 - 8:18am
Leaves quite a bit to the fevered mind of it's average reader.
But you do you.
Ah yes
By erik g
Thu, 12/08/2016 - 12:05pm
Clinton supporters, known for their vocal support of white supremacy, are the likely perpetrators here. Definitely not the addled manchildren (mercifully few of them, in the People's Republic) who voted for the guy with the enthusiastic thumbs-up from David Duke, who's been dogwhistling and regular-whistling his followers to blame their problems on whichever minority scapegoat has most recently drawn the wrath of His Orangeness on Twitter.
You've got this one all figured out, anon. Lemme know when the arrest is made.
This is most likely Anti Trump
By StillFromDorchester
Thu, 12/08/2016 - 2:06pm
We have all seen it before.
By BlackKat
Thu, 12/08/2016 - 2:23pm
Hate speech vs. trolling
By anon
Thu, 12/08/2016 - 3:46pm
Tell kids not to do something, and a number of them will immediately want to do it, just to yank your chain.
They don't hate the jews. What they hate is authority.
Read a book.
By TommyJeff
Fri, 12/09/2016 - 8:20am
That's how it starts.
Hitler wasn't a socialist but it didn't matter when his Nazis were taking over the German Workers Party.
And Godwin's law is where it
By anon
Fri, 12/09/2016 - 11:37am
And Godwin's law is where it ends.
More anti-Semitic crap found at the school
By adamg
Thu, 12/08/2016 - 7:14pm
Cambridge Day provides the update.
And the rest of the story
By Waquiot
Fri, 12/09/2016 - 4:42pm
Was much more disturbing than I had originally thought.
In none of the very white
By Daan
Thu, 12/08/2016 - 10:14pm
In none of the very white schools I attended in the70s did this kind of lunacy show up except for one occasion. On the occasion when anti-Black words were used by students toward a Black instructor the students were shot down quickly. Parents were called in, apologies were offered, amends were made.
As one of those students I am pretty sure at the time I did not understand the basis of the anti-Black words (coming from an anti-Black family the words would not have the meaning which I finally understood). But it did not change the fact that what I and a few other students said were horrific words that may easily have brought up gut fears in a teacher who was Black i a lily white suburban school.
That was one incident in several years. But there have been way too many of these incidents since the election to dismiss them as the normal rantings of adolescents. To claim this is boys being boys is to choose denial.
I also learned just how deep denial can go with fellow human beings. When I glanced through a tabloid in the late 70s published by Gay Nazis I hoped that I reached the entreme end of what today I would call candidates for Darwin Awards. And were these Gay Nazis anti-Black? Oh yes, horribly yes.
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