UPDATE: Ayyadurai will appeal, lawyer says.
A federal judge in Boston today dismissed V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai's libel lawsuit against a California tech Web site that published more than a dozen articles disputing his claims to have invented e-mail as a 14-year-old in 1978.
At best, US District Court Judge F. Dennis Saylor ruled today, Ayyadurai invented an e-mail system; whether he is the father of all e-mail, however, is a question that is open to legitimate public debate.
And because Ayyadurai, who is running for the Republican nomination for US Senate in next year's election, has thrust himself so vigorously into the discussion of the issue - through Web sites and articles and claims to being "a world-renowned scientist, inventor, lecturer, philanthropist, and entrepreneur" - he is a public figure, which means that even if Techdirt were wrong, it would be protected under a Supreme Court ruling that public figures must prove not only that something written about them was wrong, but that it was published with "actual malice" towards them, Saylor wrote.
And, the judge continued, the question of who invented e-mail is a matter of "public concern," which further burdened Ayyadurai with first even proving that what Techdirt wrote was false, rather than requiring Techdirt to show that what it wrote was true.
That, he concluded, Ayyadurai failed to do. In fact, the ultimate answer to who really invented e-mail might be unreachable, because it depends in part on how one defines e-mail - which some say actually dates to 1965. And if that is unknowable, then it becomes impossible to judge Techdirt's allegations that Ayyadurai's claims are false, because those, too, depend on the issue of just what e-mail is.
Here, even a reader who agrees with defendants' view that plaintiff should not be credited as the sole inventor of e-mail may not agree that his claim is "fake" or "bogus." One person may consider a claim to be "fake" if any element of it is not true or if it involves a slight twisting of the facts, while another person may only consider a claim to be "fake" only if no element of it is true. Thus, whether statements such as "Dr. Ayyadurai is perpetuating a ‘fake story' with respect to his claims of invention of email," [from his complaint], are provably true or false depends not only on how one defines "e-mail," but also on how one defines "fake." Because both terms, in this context, are imprecise, the statements are not actionable.
Saylor continued:
In short, the [Techdirt] articles disclose the non-defamatory facts on which they rely; make clear that the conclusions drawn from those facts are simply an interpretation of them; and do not rely on other, undisclosed and potentially defamatory facts that are not available to others. ... Furthermore, by providing hyperlinks to the relevant information, the articles enable readers to review the underlying information for themselves and reach their own conclusions.
Saylor also rejected a claim by Ayyadurai, who has publicly said he would be running as "the real Indian" against Elizabeth Warren, that Techdirt libeled him by questioning whether people who disagree with his claim are racist.
Saylor noted that one Techdirt article on the issue:
[I]ncluded a lengthy excerpt from plaintiff’s Twitter feed, including tweets challenging journalists who, following his death, credited Ray Tomlinson (a former Raytheon employee) with creating e-mail and a tweet stating that "[w]hite journalists since 2012 have joined in the lynching and whitewashing of facts on email."
The article also included an exposition on the topic from Ayyadurai's own Web site.
Finally, the article also included links to information about work performed by Tomlinson in the area of electronic messaging. By providing all of that information, [the Techdirt writer] made clear that he is drawing his own, subjective conclusion, and he enabled his readers to draw their own conclusions from the information provided. Furthermore, no reasonable reader would conclude that his statements about plaintiff’s claims of racism were based on any non-disclosed, objective information. Accordingly, the statements are protected.
Saylor concludes that Ayyadurai failed to show actual malice on Techdirt's part - and pointedly rejected his argument that the fact that the failed Gawker Web site - bankrupted by an unrelated libel suit - settled with him is proof he was right:
Here, the complaint fails to lay out such facts. It alleges that defendants made the allegedly defamatory statements “with the knowledge that they were false,†but fails to provide any specific factual allegations to support that conclusion. (See Compl. ¶ 48). It alleges only that defendants made the allegedly defamatory statements despite knowing that another website, Gawker.com, had settled a defamation claim brought by plaintiff concerning similar statements. (Compl. ¶ 51). However, even assuming that the statements at issue in the Gawker litigation were substantially similar to the statements at issue here (although the complaint does not allege as much), a settlement is not a direct reflection of the merits of a claim.
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Sad trombone
By Sock_Puppet
Wed, 09/06/2017 - 4:35pm
Maybe he can run as "the real Aryan."
You win!
By SwirlyGrrl
Wed, 09/06/2017 - 6:05pm
LOL! So True!
i like
By Anonymous
Wed, 09/06/2017 - 4:38pm
I like this guy, V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai, but I don't like his campaign pitch. The one I saw was the video of him at Parkman 8/19.
By erik g
Wed, 09/06/2017 - 5:53pm
Literally his entire set of policy positions is "Elizabeth Warren is a gross woman with gross cooties. I disapprove of cooties, and will work hard to keep them away from you, the hardworking people of Massachusetts." Other than that, all I know about him is that he's stuck by an utterly unhinged claim that he invented email six years after it was in wide use, and that he decided it was a good idea to speak at the Nazi picnic on the Common last month. If this is the best the GOP can do, Warren is going to win by eighty points.
Like I meant to say, his
By Anonymous
Wed, 09/06/2017 - 6:10pm
Like I meant to say, his politics suck but i like him apart from that.
By Friartuck
Wed, 09/06/2017 - 6:01pm
I used to work for him, he is no prize...
By Anonymous
Wed, 09/06/2017 - 6:11pm
the good, bad and ugly.
Be careful...
By anon
Wed, 09/06/2017 - 7:33pm
Watch out, Friar Tuck, you may end up being the recipient of a libel suit...
Sound a bit like a different
By Muerl
Wed, 09/06/2017 - 10:27pm
Sound a bit like a different litigious MIT personality .... http://www.universalhub.com/2013/online-moderator-...
who ... oddly enough owes me money ....
What do you like about him?
By Ron Newman
Wed, 09/06/2017 - 10:44pm
Seriously, what?
now I don't know whether the
By Anonymous
Thu, 09/07/2017 - 4:12pm
now I don't know whether the stuff i read is true or not. I read about his activism at MIT and his coding projects when he was growing up.
I also had access to computers when I was in middle school and high school, coded in multiple languages and hacked operating systems. there was a college student who worked at the computer center who was always willing to teach us the math we needed to know to design the algorithms that made out projects work.
I guess i related to his experience. my politics compared to his at this time couldn't be more different. I don't like his politics.
As a candidate, I think his job is to undermine the narrative that the GOP-- party of Lincoln --has been lost to nativists, and that far right white supremacists are welcome in it.
charlottesville https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RIrcB1sAN8I
boston https://digboston.com/how-the-free-speech-rally-or...
He's a flake and has not
By hollydollydoo
Wed, 09/06/2017 - 5:34pm
He's a flake and has not treated some girlfriends very well. I'm watering this comment down, because I don't want him to sue me!
We can do better for a candidate (Geoff Diehl).
Geoff Tool
By Anonymous
Wed, 09/06/2017 - 8:17pm
Has one big "accomplishment" reducing revenue for transportation in Mass. The inflation adjustment on the gas tax he got repealed would have raised significant revenue, about $1b IIRC, while costing the avg driver about $15 a year.
In his last race he ran for state senate and lost.
Massachusetts has the 2nd lowest gas tax in New England.
Diehl has another accomplishment
By adamg
Wed, 09/06/2017 - 10:59pm
He co-chaired Trump's campaign in Massachusetts (one of just two states in which every county went for Clinton).
A+ trolling
By Anonymous
Thu, 09/07/2017 - 4:15pm
I agree he's a flake
By anon
Wed, 09/06/2017 - 8:51pm
But you kidding yourself if you think Warren isn't. She has accomplished absolutely nothing since being elected, other than publishing a few books.
It's true, she cemented her
By riggs not logged in
Thu, 09/07/2017 - 12:46am
It's true, she cemented her bona fides by proposing and founding the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau before she ever ran for office.
If you repeat anonymous mantras enough
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 09/07/2017 - 1:08am
They are still not true.
Try clicking your heels three times next time. Might work better for you.
She's in the minority
By SamWack
Thu, 09/07/2017 - 7:12am
Her votes and speeches against the monstrous idiocies and crimes by the party in power are accomplishments. She's one of the most thoughtful and clear-headed people to sit in the senate in many years. Her books are accomplishments - they aren't mere ghostwritten vanity-jobs like most politician's books. She might be the most accomplished person in the Senate. Though Al Franken comes close.
Sen Warren is pretty sharp. I like her aww shucks okie.
By Anonymous
Sun, 09/10/2017 - 11:40pm
Under Warren's questioning in two five minute Q & A's with the CEO and chairmen of Wells Fargo Bank she laid out the compelling case for unethical and illegal aspects of Well Fargo business model including opening new accounts without customers' consent, high pressure sales tactics, abusing low wage sales force and terminating them when the pressure was on management for shady business practices, misrepresentations to shareholders and potential securities fraud.
In ten minutes for all the room to see as well as C-SPAN viewers, Warren established unethical and potentially illegal behavior and asked the CEO how the board was holding him accountable and whether he'd return ill-gotten gains.
In the months that followed, the CEO left (resigned/was fired?) Wells Fargo, other sr managers did too. $100s of millions were clawed-back from them and returned to shareholders and Wella Fargo settled with the Justice Dept for $100s of millions. Many agencies were involved in nailing it all down including CFPB (which returns financial ill-gotten gains to consumers), SEC and DOJ.
Warren, like many high-performing individuals, can suss out what's happening, talk about all the aspects of it, summarize it in plain language and leave others to make it right. She's good at that with individual cases and she's good at looking at the big picture and formulating remedies for the system. Before she ran for office and aided with her expertise in bankruptcy law, she used to do research for Ted Kennedy on what was destabilizing middle class families.
Early in August she gave a speech about her campaign platform. It is focused on addressing some financial challenges poor and middle class Americans face that are obstacles on the ladder to a prosperous career.
Warren was a Republican until 1995.
"She's done nothing" is what you've been told to say.
By section77
Thu, 09/07/2017 - 8:02am
By the members of your party who actually think of things to say, and pass it on to you to parrot. You don't know what she has done, but the list of things you don't know is long.
People are allowed to have
By Patricia-can't ...
Thu, 09/07/2017 - 9:56am
People are allowed to have opinions, no?
I hate warren. You got a problem with that? My reasons are just as valid as yours for liking her.
It's time to stop the nonsense - agree to disagree.
Ignorance is not an opinion
By SwirlyGrrl
Thu, 09/07/2017 - 11:24am
Particularly when a 5 second web search will clear it up.
your secret reasons?
By cinnamngrl
Thu, 09/07/2017 - 11:38am
I respect your right to your opinion, but you must respect my right to debate the facts presented.
If a person asserts that Sen Warren has "done nothing since she was elected", clearly that is false on its face. If it was meant to imply "done nothing" of value then that is very subjective.
I can't respect your right to wag your finger at the posts in a thread that no one forced you to read.
I will never like warren.
By Patricia-can't ...
Thu, 09/07/2017 - 4:42pm
I will never like warren. She lost me with the "you didn't build that" speech and all the idiots clapping like seals behind her. You know what warren, the company I work for actually pays many, many taxes. We have departments that do just that. Want to compare with yours?
Tell me warren doesn't take every tax break afforded to her, you'd be lying. But according to her, others are supposed to not take the same advantages? Ha, I wonder if she checks that magical box on MA Income tax returns. I'll be not.
She hates that the 1%, of which she is a part of, doesn't pay enough? Change the laws. Don't screech.
Shes a partisan loudmouth who understands the US Banking system and Wall St. inside and out. That is no reason for me to like her. She could actually be doing more to correct the banking system if she wasn't in politics. She is like the loudmouth of the democratic party whom I wish would shut up. She talks nonsense when she tries to sound politically adept, which she isn't. Remember her presser when Gov. Patrick had to answer her questions? I do.
Ever see her in public? A timid little mouse unless she has a script in front of her.
She hasn't earned my respect as my US Senator. Ever contact her office? Good luck with that.
I detest warren. I detest the sound of her voice, her mannerisms. Everything about her personality offends me.
In my opinion, she has no business being a US Senator.
My opinions are just as valid as yours.
Well that's where she got my support.
By cinnamngrl
Fri, 09/08/2017 - 10:33am
Finally someone is telling the truth. We don't have a free market, the system is rigged and our legislature helped them set it up. And the factory owner speech is based on the words of George Lakoff. Giving tax breaks to business and expecting workers to benefit is fake trickle down economics.
You are entitled to your opinion, surely, but your reasons seems superficial. Warren's tax returns are available to you (unlike, he who shall not be named). Why do you assert the validity of an opinion based on an assumption? look it up.
She is trying to change the laws, but senate is controlled by republicans. It seems odd that you challenge to change the banking system by working in it. The only reason she ran for the senate was because republicans refused to approve her to run the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that she created.
You don't like her fine, but your reasons are not valid.
You're allowed to have your own opinion
By lbb
Thu, 09/07/2017 - 11:43am
Yes, but they're not allowed to have their own facts. You stated something that is factually incorrect. Own it and move on.
I'd say that YOU have a problem with it, and you might want to look into it for the sake of your mental health (really, what has she ever done to you?), but that's your lookout. Be crazy and miserable if you want.
My mental health is just fine
By Patricia-can't ...
Thu, 09/07/2017 - 4:48pm
My mental health is just fine, Thank you. (I am one of the few adults that don't need a pill to get through their day)
I despise warren. What did I state that was untrue? You didn't say.
I am neither crazy or miserable. Actually I seem much better off than many posters here!
but you still can't log in.
By cinnamngrl
Fri, 09/08/2017 - 10:34am
but you still can't log in. Or maybe you don't want your posts tracked. slick.
All of your Warren posts/comments are accurate...
By Doug1001
Fri, 09/08/2017 - 2:25pm
You'll be told to take your meds and that you're (insert buzzword of the day) and that you're a sad person and whatever else these people like to say to others who don't completely abide by the mantra of the left.
It's pretty funny actually, I take pride in it. I should have kept a diary of all the stupid names I've been called on UHUB, just to look back on it for a laugh someday.
Whenever you're being ridiculed on here, it means you're doing something right.
Just like a bot
By cinnamngrl
Fri, 09/08/2017 - 5:22pm
all of Patricia's statements about Sen Warren were inaccurate, and fact free.
She said that she assumes that Sen Warren takes all her tax deductions. Why assume, why not just look at her returns?
She says "Change the laws, don't screech." So Sen Warren should file legislation and be quiet when it is voted out?
Patricia says "She could actually be doing more to correct the banking system if she wasn't in politics." Well the only reason she ran for Senate is because they wouldn't let her run the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that she created.
the only honest thing she said was that she hated everything about her.
Again, you have the opinion you were instructed to have.
By section77
Thu, 09/07/2017 - 12:48pm
People are of course allowed to have their own opinions, but when those opinions come from fb memes they can expect to be called on it.
I haven't been instructed on
By Patricia-can't ...
Thu, 09/07/2017 - 4:49pm
I haven't been instructed on anything.
Where do you people think this stuff up? In your minds?
Invoking "you didn't build that" is further proof
By section77
Fri, 09/08/2017 - 2:20pm
That's a small quote, take completely out of context that the Brietbarts of the world lied about and you swallowed it whole. You could easily fact check these things but your writings keep repeating these simple (out of context) phrases and slogans that have been fed to you by cynical people who count on your unquestioning allegiance. You don't think that you've been instructed but that's just another thing to explain.
All opinions are not equally valid
By perruptor
Thu, 09/07/2017 - 7:28pm
You are allowed to have any opinion. If you hold a stupid opinion and tell people about it, you run the risk that they will think you are stupid. You can minimize that risk by researching whether any actual facts support your opinion. Reading Breitbart and watching Fox news is not doing research.
By bshep
Wed, 09/06/2017 - 6:04pm
Too bad Gawker didn't have the funds to fight his lawsuit, because they would have won too.
The reason Gawker had no funds
By perruptor
Wed, 09/06/2017 - 8:38pm
Is quite a twisted story.
Yep, and the Thiel funded
By bshep
Wed, 09/06/2017 - 9:44pm
Yep, and the Thiel funded lawyer who represented Hulk Hogan against Gawker (Charles Harder), also represented Ayyadurai against both Gawker and Techdirt. Whether Thiel was behind the Techdirt lawsuit is murky (as far as I can tell).
Gawker deserved to die
By SamWack
Thu, 09/07/2017 - 7:24am
It's unfortunate that Gawker, Thiel, Hogan, and Ayyadurai couldn't all be buried in the same cess-pit, but at least when it's asshole vs. asshole, some asshole loses.
Whether Gawker were assholes
By ZachAndTired
Thu, 09/07/2017 - 10:02am
Whether Gawker were assholes or not isn't the issue though. When billionaires have the ability to bankrupt news sites that are publishing stories they don't like, we are all in trouble.
By bshep
Thu, 09/07/2017 - 10:21am
But that being said, Gawker, Thiel, Hogan, and Ayyadurai in a cess-pit would be a reality show I would totally watch.
what Gawker did to Hogan was publish evidence of revenge porn.
By cinnamngrl
Thu, 09/07/2017 - 11:53am
The case wasn't won through bribery. The fact that you have to be rich to fight this kind of invasion of privacy is the true injustice.
What do you have against Gawker?
By Ron Newman
Thu, 09/07/2017 - 10:29am
Not everything they did was of the highest quality, but I still miss them.
Gawker pioneered
By SamWack
Thu, 09/07/2017 - 12:37pm
peeping-tom journalism. Their operating principle was that anyone who can by the vaguest of definitions be called a celebrity - i.e. anyone you might possibly have heard of - has no right to privacy whatsoever. In my opinion even assholes like Thiel and Hogan have the right to screw who they want without having it be reported - with video, where available - on the interswamp.
Gawker "pioneered" peeping
By Scratchie
Thu, 09/07/2017 - 2:54pm
Gawker "pioneered" peeping-tom journalism? Are you serious? Are you 12 years old? Have you ever heard of the National Enquirer? Or the dozens (hundreds?) of gossip mags that preceded it?
By SamWack
Thu, 09/07/2017 - 3:39pm
doesn't mean you have to be the first. Was there only one pioneer who went west beyond the Mississippi ? It just means you head out for new horizons. You know, like posting stolen sex-videos on the Internet and calling it news.
By ZachAndTired
Thu, 09/07/2017 - 3:57pm
verb: pioneer; 3rd person present: pioneers; past tense: pioneered; past participle: pioneered; gerund or present participle: pioneering
develop or be the first to use or apply (a new method, area of knowledge, or activity).
"he has pioneered a number of innovative techniques"
synonyms: introduce, develop, evolve, launch, instigate, initiate, spearhead, institute, establish, found, be the father/mother of, originate, set in motion, create; More
open up (a road or terrain) as a pioneer.
By SamWack
Thu, 09/07/2017 - 5:29pm
Oh no, he is crushing me with his dictionary! I am reminded of Eddie Izzard’s bit about the British conquering the world with flags. Excuse me, have you got a flag? No, but I have a dictionary! Take that!
The word “pioneer†is routinely used for someone moving into a new territory, or, as a verb, for the act of doing so. Since its use is nearly always figurative - it was originally a military term - it is used with a great deal of flexibility. People are called pioneers if they cross a frontier, even if that frontier has moved only slightly, and even if they cross it in the company of a great many others. Daniel Boone was a pioneer once in Kentucky, and then again in Missouri twenty years later. Willa Cather’s O Pioneers! is set in Nebraska. Those who participated in the Oklahoma Land Rush are routinely called pioneers, even though there were fifty thousand of them, and most of the West had been populated for decades when the Rush took place.
So anyone who participates in breaking new ground is a pioneer, no matter what your dictionary says. When I said that Gawker pioneered peeping-tom journalism, I didn’t bother to add “on the Internetâ€, because I thought that was obvious. Clearly it wasn’t obvious to you. Or perhaps you’re just an especially zealous defender of the pioneer-claims of the National Enquirer
Interesting to read his Wikipedia profile. Impressive
By MC Slim JB
Wed, 09/06/2017 - 7:33pm
education, but everything else about him screams "sleazy right-wing fraud", as well as Nazi-coddler. Also, he once claimed to have become Mr. The Nanny, but that turned out to be without merit, too.
Is he nuts, a sociopathic attention whore, a highly-skilled troll? Why not all three?
I read that and believed it. It's BS?
By Anonymous
Wed, 09/06/2017 - 8:11pm
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