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Four more state troopers suspended in overtime probe

State Police report the four were members of Troop E, which patrolled the turnpike.

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People say to me, 'Sister, why don't you tell people what that Boston Public Library story with the 3 facilities people is about?'

Linda doesn't tell anyone because she believes in the awesome power of Nepotism !!! Peoples know the 3 people suspended were suspended for this same sort of State Police bogus time dealio....so what, a few no shows here and there, what harm did that ever cause? In a 3 billion dollar budget, who is ever going to notice a few extra clams to some poor struggling City Workers? It's probably so they could buy their kidlets some J.D. Martinez schwag! Manny being Manny and we win a World Series ! Good thing I don't have a time clock at my job!!!!

But, the reason everyone is so 'tight lipped' ( and let me tell you, Daddy always praises me for being tight lipped! ) as the Herald put it, is because the skinny is that the mom of one of the 3 suspended workers is a very powerful Board person in the City.

I have to talk to Brian McGory, as I like to call him, about a company wide policy about being tight lipped about Nepotism. Some very important and influential and wicked smart people got to where they are in life via the nepotisms and the tight lips!



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Well. Thank you for that. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm due back on the planet earth.


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This is actually a very insightful and accurate perspective. You may not dig the vernacular or the side of hash-browns that came with it, but this city worker doth agree-whole-heartedly.

I believe that this is the beauty of Uhub in the sense that it’s not an “institution” beholding to anyone...

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...as the Herald put it, is because the skinny is that the mom of one of the 3 suspended workers is a very powerful Board person in the City.

you have a link to this?

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have good points to make, but your comments are often really frothing at the mouth. You'd likely do better by having a couple fewer cups of coffee before hitting "save."

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You're so far off you may as well be on one of the moons of Saturn.
Leave the real investigating to Woodward and Bernstein.

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but Bernstein lives in New Mexico now and is more focused on regional politics than city affairs.

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for the update Wayne,I think that everyone knows I was alluding to the fact that they are probably two of the most famous names when referring to blockbuster political investigating,not Linda, the oracle of Uhub.

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I was making a joke alluding to the fact that there is a person who does actually report on local news and politics named David Bernstein who writes for WGBH among other places. While formerly a Boston area resident, he now lives in New Mexico.


I think we've both now explained ourselves very thoroughly to detriment of all readers.

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Thanks to your "affirmative action" comments about Pulitzer Prize winning Adrian Walker I already know you're a racist, so there's probably no point giving you the benefit of the doubt.

BUT If you have an axe to grind, how about speaking in plain English instead of these unfunny, misogynistic rants? Lame hash tag jokes and blow job references just make you sound like a bitter, unhinged individual, angry about...Linda Pizzuti...and...other things?

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Linda is what she is. A mildly droll troll.

On tbe other hand you have Adrian Walker, who blames everything on racist white people when in fact he is probably the most racist person in Boston if he really believes what he writes.

He's just one more reason not to read that trashy paper.

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Sure the REAL racist is the black columnist, not the person calling him an affirmative action hire. So now I know where you're coming from. Thanks!

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1) No idea where Linda calls anyone an affirmative action hire - not that I really care
2) Adrian Walker didn't win a Pulitzer - the Globe staff won it for their coverage of the Marathon bombing - he was part of that - yes - but it wasn't exactly an award for his specific work so at best a stretch.
3) I've read Adrian's work - it's a formula - Black people are victims because ...blah blah blah... racist white people.

Sorry - when someone tells you white people cause problems because they are white and it's what they do - that's racist. He needs a new schtick.

If I were the editor I'd fire him and James Vaznis in the time it took them to walk to my office.

Nothing to do with race. Crappy columnist and crappy reporter, (dis) respectively.

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I found "Linda's" racist comments about Adrian Walker for you. You can no longer plead ignorance about where she's coming from. https://www.universalhub.com/comment/679402#comment-679402

You either:
1. Don't know what racism is and live in a blissful bubble of white privilege if you actually think a, yes, Pulitzer prize winning AND award for writing ABOUT racism winning black columnist is "the most racist" person in the same town where WEEI and the Boston Police Patrolmen's Association roam free.

2. Don't care about real racists like Linda and the BPPA because you agree with them

I'm afraid those are the two options you have left. Best of luck with that!


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As uou point out yourself in the linked post:

Surely you understand there’s a difference between calling someone a bad columnist and saying they only got their job because they are black, right

I'm not agreeing or disagreeing with linda, who's obviously using sature to make points. I'm flat out calling him a bad columnist.

And you can tie for "most" if you want to play that game.

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From one Troop. throw the book at them. Trials and if convicted incarceration and loss of pension if possible.

Want to stop this? Make an example of them. Bunch of bums.

Can't make an honest living and be an honest policeman? GTFO and pay for your mistakes.

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Public shaming and 30 days jail won't dissuade corrupt cops. Hit them in the wallet.

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Them losing their pensions.

Do you think anyone CONVICTED of a a crime should be completely bared from receiving any form of Gov assistance? Or just those who work and contribute to society should lose everything when they F up?

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Is golfing and napping while collecting overtime considered "work"? Is stealing from taxpayers a way to "contribute"? If these greedy pigs get out of jail penniless then that is fine with me.

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If you make an error of a more singular nature, like getting into a bar fight or something, then no. If you are found to have been systematically and repeatedly committing payroll fraud for years, then f_ck you - no pension.

Most of us work and contribute to society Btw, not just cops. Lots of us would face significant financial hardships when we commit fraud.

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If the guy needs assistance after getting canned and losing his pension I guess he'll be eligible for assistance. Not ideal but I'm OK with it.

As for who lose pensions? If you're stealing from your employer and are convicted I have no problem with them losing every fucking penny. I don't care if you're a public or private employee.

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Well AG Healey could engage in corruption investigations. But that would require not looking the other way for political allies.

Plus Gov Baker isn't going to rock the boat and call for investigations because of his son's sexual assault 'matter' currently being swept under the rug by MSP.

Remember Tim Murray's crash that went away quietly too? How long did Annie D go undetected?

MSP has too many friends scratching their backs for favors.

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Is Gone Baby Gone!

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They can start trying to scam people into buying gift cards to make up for the hit in income they'll be taking

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