By adamg - 10/9/10 - 10:34 am

Peaches and Dr. Martha SmithPeaches and Dr. Martha Smith

A Dorchester kitten is recuperating at a veterinarian's home from serious wounds caused when she got entangled in the fan belt of her owner's car when the woman started the engine not knowing the young cat had crawled into the engine compartment for warmth.

By adamg - 9/11/10 - 6:33 pm

Here's why you never see a cat skeleton up a tree: The Animal Rescue League gets them down first. Here we see a technician saving Brisket, Jeff and Gretchen's cat, who'd been up a tree in Hingham for 26 hours:

By adamg - 6/15/10 - 4:43 pm

This just in from one of our Dorchester correspondents: If you live along Neponset Avenue near St.

By adamg - 6/15/10 - 2:20 pm

Pet Cabaret posts an alert District E-5 sent out this week about the cat-munching coyote

By Jay Levitt - 7/21/09 - 5:54 pm

I found this today. Looks like I'll have to have The Responsibility Talk today with my kittens... worse, I don't think they've fed the poor fish even once.

By adamg - 11/20/08 - 4:42 pm

Boston Police report a domestic house cat captured on Park Street last weekend was euthanized after it was reported to have rabies.

By Aqua - 6/15/05 - 12:42 am

This Saturday, the [url=] Ellen M. Gifford Sheltering Home[/url], the sole no-kill cat shelter in the Allston/Brighton area, is holding a yard/craft/bake-sale to raise funds from 9 AM to 3 PM.
This shelter is truly deserving of your support, as it serves as a safe-haven for cats in need of homes and never resorts to euthanasia (translation: up to 20 years of kitty litter, cat chow, and vet bills per cat!) There will be a raffle for gift certificates to local businesses; handmade jewelry, baked goods, crafts, and plants for sale. Not to mention all of the wonderful kitties looking for good homes.... The shelter is located at 30 Undine Road, off of Lake Street in Brighton. Lake Street is off Commonwealth Ave., just by Boston College (the last stop) on the B-Line.