By adamg - 9/15/24 - 10:51 pm

The Globe reports that a pair of Nazis from out west who were indicted last week for being Nazis with a lust for blood included former US Attorney Rachael Rollins on their hit list of federal officials they planned to kill. Read more.

By adamg - 4/3/24 - 11:31 am

Former Transit Police officer Jacob Green yesterday sued TPD Chief Kenneth Green, TPD Superintendent Richard Sullivan, the MBTA, former Suffolk County DA Rachael Rollins and former Boston City Councilor Ricardo Arroyo, alleging he was forced into early retirement in 2022 because Green hates white people and veterans and because Rollins and Arroyo conspired to make a big deal out of what he claims was a road-rage run-in with an angry Black guy on his way to work one day. Read more.

By adamg - 3/11/24 - 8:44 pm

CommonWealth Beacon reports that former US Attorney Rachael Rollins recently began work at Roxbury Community College, at least part time, to build a program to help the formerly incarcerated, although they didn't learn that from her:

Reached on her cell phone, Rollins said she did not want to be contacted and hung up.

By adamg - 5/19/23 - 5:48 pm

The US Attorney's office in Boston reports that, as expected, Rachael Rollins resigned today as US Attorney for Massachusetts. Read more.

By adamg - 5/18/23 - 10:04 am

Dan Kennedy, a journalism professor at Northeastern, lists several reasons: Off-the-record conversations can be a key to significant journalism (think Deep Throat) and Woodstein, the Globe and Herald reporters probably didn't realize the depths to which Rollins was sinking and there's actually a case involving a politician who was publicly turned out after leaking, sued, and won.

By adamg - 5/17/23 - 12:35 pm

An investigation into the soon-to-be-former US Attorney for Massachusetts grew from a look at her possibly inappropriate attendance at a Democratic fundraiser to include allegations she tried to influence the election of her successor as Suffolk DA in part by planting stories that the acting DA was under federal investigation, even though he wasn't. Read more.

By adamg - 5/16/23 - 3:42 pm

Associated Press reports it's because of her appearance at a political fundraiser, and possibly other issues.

Rollins resigned as Suffolk County DA after she was appointed US Attorney for Massachusetts.

By adamg - 10/16/22 - 3:26 pm

Boston Magazine details Cannon-Grant's rapid rise as a figure to be reckoned with and her equally precipitous fall. Don't miss the part about former Suffolk County DA Rachael Rollins playing footsie with Turtleboy - well, if you can believe Turtleboy.

Wu, Rollins and acting DA Kevin Hayden
By adamg - 7/5/22 - 4:00 pm

Mayor Wu and US Attorney Rachael Rollins vowed today to prosecute white supremacists they say attacked a gay, Black man who had the misfortune of walking onto Dartmouth Street just as they were marching to the Back Bay Orange Line stop for a ride out of town on Saturday. Read more.

By adamg - 12/23/21 - 11:23 am

The Suffolk County District Attorney's office reports it's formally dropped the murder case against Shaun Jenkins for the death of his cousin Stephen in Dorchester in 2001. Read more.

By adamg - 12/8/21 - 3:37 pm

Vice President Kamala Harris had to cast the deciding vote, but the US Senate today confirmed Suffolk County District Attorney as the US Attorney for Massachusetts. Read more.

By adamg - 12/2/21 - 9:24 pm

NBC Boston reports Senate Democrats got Rachael Rollins's name out of committee tonight and toward a final vote by the full Senate. If confirmed as US Attorney for Massachusetts, she would leave her job as Suffolk County DA. Gov. Baker would then name a replacement for the remainder of her term, which runs through 2022.

By adamg - 10/7/21 - 11:56 am

The Supreme Judicial Court today upheld the right of Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins to drop charges against several people who had been arrested while protesting one of those marches right wingers liked to hold in Boston during the ancien regime of the former president. Read more.

By adamg - 7/29/21 - 8:33 am

WBZ reports a senator from there will fight Rachael Rollins's appointment as US Attorney here. OK, he does have a connection here: He went to Harvard.

By adamg - 7/26/21 - 10:37 am

WCVB reports. If she's confirmed, Gov. Baker will get to pick the next Suffolk County DA.

By adamg - 5/24/21 - 1:12 pm

International Association of Fire Fighters, Local 718, today formally endorsed Councilor Annissa Essaibi George in her bid to become mayor. In a statement, local President John Soares said: Read more.

By adamg - 3/25/21 - 3:11 pm

Live Boston reports the office of Suffolk County DA Rachael Rollins is now looking into the origin of a screenshotted fake Tweet that purported to be from her and that she was looking into alleged "violent" treatment of a naked guy in Downtown Crossing by Boston Police. Rollins's office says she never tweeted that.

By adamg - 3/22/21 - 5:55 pm

Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins said today she plans to move to vacate all drug convictions that included substances certified as an illegal drug by the Hinton state lab in Forest Hills between May, 2003 and August, 2012, when it was shut in the wake of the Annie Dookhan scandal, which ultimately implicated a second chemist who started there, then moved her tampering ways out to another state lab in Amherst. Read more.

By adamg - 2/11/21 - 1:48 pm

WFXT reports the state Attorney General's office has determined Suffolk County District Attorney Rachael Rollins did nothing criminal when she started yelling at another motorist in a traffic dispute at the South Bay Mall in December.

However, the station continues, the AG's office has forwarded its files to the state Ethics Commission for a look.