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By adamg - 12/13/12 - 8:38 am

Two non-profits that have been trying to turn the hulking brick husk of an old trolley substation in Roslindale Square into something useable say they now want to buy the funeral home next door for housing.

In an e-mail update this morning, Steve Gag and Stephanie Cave of Roslindale Village Main Street say the FJ Higgins Funeral Home on Washington Street is now up for sale - and that the Higgins family has agreed to give the group and Historic Boston first dibs on the property as the family prepares to move the funeral home to a new location.

By adamg - 4/9/11 - 1:40 pm

Roslindale Village Main Street had an open house at the hulking edifice in Roslindale Square, in part to solicit ideas on what to to with it. The BRA, which owns the long unused structure, has given the group and Historic Boston a year to come up with a plan. Even without giant transformers, it remains a fascinating - and dangerous - place to explore: One guide had to keep shooing me away from flimsy planks covering holes. It's two levels full of mysterious objects and spaces.

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