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Fan Pier

By adamg - 4/24/15 - 11:09 am

Jennifer Che reports on her visit to Mario Batali's new pizza place on Fan Pier, where pizzas are cooked for just 90 seconds - in a 1,000-degree oven.

It doesn’t replace the North End by any stretch, and if you’re a visitor looking for one place to enjoy Italian food in Boston, I would probably still head to the North End. However, if you work or live in the area (or are attending a conference at the Boston Convention Center), it’s an excellent place to enjoy a great meal.

By adamg - 1/9/15 - 4:40 pm

The Globe reports the owner of the high-end clothing store is throwing in the towel because the owner of its Northern Avenue land wants the space for development and she decided to retire, rather than sign a long-term lease to move into a building next door.

Boston Restaurant Talk reports that Sam's, the restaurant inside the clothing store, however, will remain open.

By adamg - 10/8/14 - 2:53 pm

The Boston Licensing Board decides tomorrow whether to let restaurateur George Aboujaoude open a small-plates restaurant in one of the new Vertex buildings.

With the board's approval, Aboujaoude will pay $325,000 for the liquor license being given up by Elephant Walk in Audubon Circle as it moves to a new location.

By adamg - 9/1/14 - 10:18 am

Capt. John Greland at C-6 reports that around 2:10 a.m. on Saturday, a brawl outside 1 Marina Park Dr. ended with several participants injured and on their way to local hospitals.

Greland reports no arrests at this time.

By adamg - 8/20/14 - 12:28 pm

Mario Batali will pay $410,000 for the liquor license of the closed Castlebar on Washington Street so he can serve libations to patrons of his planned wood-fired pizza place on the South Boston waterfront

Batali's attorney, Joseph Hanley, told the Boston Licensing Board that Batali will spend $2.5 million in total to outfit his planned Babbo on Fan Pier.

As required, Hanley answered the question of the public need for the new restaurant: He said the Innovation District is attracting innovators, who need an innovative restaurant in which to eat.

By adamg - 8/16/14 - 3:18 pm

The Boston Licensing Board next week considers a request from New York celebrichef Mario Batali to buy the liquor license of the recently shuttered Castlebar in Oak Square.

If the board approves, Batali will be able to serve harder libations to customers of his planned Babbo pizzeria in a new building under construction on Fan Pier.

The board's hearings begin at 10 a.m. on Wednesday in its eighth-floor hearing room in City Hall.

By adamg - 6/30/14 - 10:01 pm

The Globe reports New Yorker Mario Batali is opening a wood-fired pizza place on Fan Pier.

You may recall how last year, Batali was all set to buy Todd English's liquor license from his defunct Kingfish Hall for a wood-fired pizza place on Summer Street, only there was all the unpleasantness over English's license being seized and all and then Batali's would-be landlord had second thoughts about putting in a wood-fired pizza oven.

By adamg - 10/30/13 - 12:05 pm

The mayor and officials from the Fallon Co. put their ceremonial shovels in the ground today to launch 22 Liberty, a 14-story luxury condo building on the waterfront that features a stepped design so that residents can get views of both the harbor and downtown.

Fallon says some of the units will feature three or more bedrooms, unusual in a city where developers seemed to go out of their way to ensure families with kids would be sent looking elsewhere.

The building is the latest piece of a 21-acre project between the federal courthouse and the ICA.

By adamg - 6/1/13 - 8:40 pm

Harbor Guy

Noah Sachs spotted Michael Richard Smith, the guy who took up residence on a canoe on Boston Harbor last fall as he paddled past Louis on Fan Pier today.

By adamg - 5/6/12 - 1:16 pm

Financial District at night

David Parsons captured the Financial District in the fog the other night from Fan Pier.

By adamg - 5/25/11 - 1:07 pm

The City Council today unanimously approved $12 million in tax breaks over seven years for construction of Vertex's planned $1-billion headquarters and lab space on Fan Pier.

City Councilor Bill Linehan, who represents South Boston and chairs the council's economic-development committee, said the new construction will mean $50 million in tax revenue over the period of the breaks.

In addition, the council approved a state proposal to spend $50 million in state funds on infrastructure improvements on and near Fan Pier for Vertex, which recently won federal approval for a possible blockbuster Hepatitis C drug.

By Ron Newman - 5/15/09 - 5:55 pm

If you didn't live in Boston and read this Washington Post article dated yesterday:

BOSTON -- The winner of the 2008-09 Volvo Ocean Race was all but decided as the seven-boat fleet departed this weekend on the last offshore leg of the 'round-the-world event, across the Atlantic to Ireland....

By adamg - 5/4/09 - 5:30 pm

Lori Magno gives us an idea; at the Volvo ocean-racing thing at Fan Pier.

By adamg - 9/27/07 - 8:58 am

Jason Feifer tells us more, although, sadly, most of his post concentrates on boring Fan Pier construction details (24-hour city in a city, yada yada yada), rather than on the woman in the bathtub: Like, what was she doing there? Was she naked or did she have a bathing suit on? Did any of the dignitaries try for a closer look? How pruney did her fingers get?

More details on construction; none on the lady in the tub.

By adamg - 6/26/05 - 10:29 pm

Jay pulls out a snap quiz on Fan Pier and its Chicago owners:

... If Fan Pier was owned by some working-class dope with a God-awful postwar vinyl-sided pillbox house on the waterfront, do you think his home would have been condemned by now? Quick answer: Yes or no. ...

By adamg - 6/25/05 - 12:50 pm

John writes:

I was out of town on business all week, and on return, very surprised that Fan Pier had still not been completed ...

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