Proposed mini-driveway to allow for EV
By adamg - 3/14/23 - 1:57 pm

Matthew Malloy of Ocean Street in Dorchester really, really wants to buy an electric vehicle. But he doesn't have a driveway and ISD has warned him that if he tries to run an extension cord over the sidewalk to a car parked at the curb, he'd get fined.
Read more.

Man vs. Turkey
By adamg - 10/15/22 - 4:54 pm

Welcome to Dot files a dispatch this afternoon from Ocean Street in Dorchester, already known for the meanest turkeys in all of Boston: Read more.

By adamg - 10/13/22 - 10:39 am

A panicked citizen manages to file a 311 report from Ocean Street in Dorchester before the turkeys realize what she's doing: Read more.

By adamg - 11/30/16 - 2:53 pm

Scott Eisen reports a man was shot around 2:15 p.m. outside 94 Ocean St., although police found him several blocks away on Ashmont Street, near Washington. Stanley Stacos reports the victim was robbed of his phone, then shot.