WBUR reports.
WBUR reports on a proposal before the School Committee tonight for testing students in grades 3-8.
MCAS scores released today show Boston public schools getting their highest scores ever.
Marjorie Arons-Barron surveys statements by politicians, coverage by the local media, concludes everybody's yelling about yelling when it comes to th
More than half of Mass. schools not doing so hot, Globe reports.
The Eliot School in the North End, though, bucked the trend, moving from "restructuring" to "good standing,", one of only three schools in the entire state to move up like that.
The Globe reports:
Thousands of Massachusetts public high school graduates arrive at college unprepared for even the most basic math and English classes, forcing them to take remedial courses that discourage many from staying in school, according to a statewide study released yesterday.
Sorta old news, but I was reminded of it this morning because the kidlet's taking Yet Another MCAS Test: The principal of the Washington Irving Middle School is under investigation for allegedly giving teachers parts of the test the day before so they could help their students get better scores.
Silver lining: It might take people's minds off the school's weekly appearances in the Roslindale Transcript's police blotter.
Jennifer Lord reports that she went downstairs this morning, her fifth-grade son was already there, eating cereal and watching Matsuzaka struggle as he got ready for a day of MCAS exams:
Dr. Gwenn discusses an ailment peculiar to Massachusetts schoolchildren:
Yesterday I saw a young girl in my office who had very bad tummy aches. ... So, I checked her out head to toe and did a Strep test. Still, nothing. Her exam was normal - in fact, the tummy exam yielded giggles and I discovered she is quite the hopper and very adept and climbing on and off a tricky to climb exam table! And, office her Strep test was negative. Very reassuring all around.
Chatting with this young, pleasant child and her mom I learned she's in third grade in a town near mine and facing the dreaded MCAS testing today ...
The Lawrence Eagle-Tribune reports: somebody stole a copy of the MCAS English test in Haverhill.