By adamg - 7/26/18 - 11:18 am

Boston Police are seeking help from anybody who might have taken photos or videos in the moments before and after a crash at L and East 6th streets yesterday afternoon in which a van jumped the curb and hit two children in a stroller, killing one of them.

Images and video can be e-mailed to Sgt. Det. Thomas Barrett.

By adamg - 1/30/18 - 12:18 pm

The Board of Appeals today rejected a triple-decker owner's request to extend the three floors of his building at 712 East 6 St. after the mayor's office, newly elected City Councilor Ed Flynn and residents said the new space would harm the character of the neighborhood and cause potential public-safety issues - even though the proposal met all the zoning requirements for its lot. Read more.

Unshoveled driveway on East 6 Street in South Boston
By adamg - 2/13/17 - 1:47 pm

A vexed citizen files a 311 complaint about a driveway and sidewalk on East 6 Street:

Please clean your condo it's bad enough all your cars are registered in New Hampshire so respect my town.