Back Bay Armistice celebrations
By adamg - 11/11/18 - 12:03 am

One hundred years ago today, people all over the Boston area stopped what they were doing to celebrate the end of the War to End All Wars. Read more.

Aboard the receiving ship at Commonwealth Pier in Boston
By adamg - 8/27/18 - 8:14 pm

In August, 1918, Commonwealth Pier - today's World Trade Center - was a bustling place, with hundreds of sailors arriving there to await their permanent assignments for the "Great War" that the US had entered the year before.

Sometime on Aug. 27 or 28, two sailors reported, yes, flu-like symptoms. Read more.

World War I recruitment poster
By adamg - 4/6/17 - 10:11 am

Today's the 100th anniversary of the formal American declaration of war against Germany. Within days, the National Guard began patrols of the Boston waterfront to guard against German spies - Boston being a key Atlantic port, of course.

Recruitment poster from the BPL collection. Posted under this Creative Commons license.