By adamg - 6/27/11 - 1:40 pm

Bob Ryan explains why Whitey has more personal honor than Billy.

By adamg - 12/31/08 - 12:28 pm

David Scott reviews the big local sports-media news of the past year, including the way NESN quietly dumped Bob Ryan's show this month:

... The move, initiated by NESN's higher-ups and delivered (awkwardly and clumsily, according to multiple sources) by Joel Feld, the network's executive vice president of programming and executive producer, was yet another sign of an eroding relationship between the Red Sox broadcast unit and the New York Times Company (dba here in Boston as the Boston Globe). ...

By adamg - 9/8/08 - 4:45 pm

Isn't he supposed to be the sensible, rational one over at the Globe? In any case, he claims he doesn't get how people can be so fixated on football today. Huh?

... I'm not ridiculing or downplaying the Patriots, but let's not lose sight of the fact that it's still early September and the leaves haven't even thought of changing yet. Football is the intruder here. It is still very much baseball season, and the Red Sox have their biggest series of the season taking place right now. We don't need football 24/7 to keep us occupied. ...

Would the phrase I'm thinking of be "straw man"?

By adamg - 6/11/08 - 11:48 am

Through the miracle of the Interwebs, Don lets you watch Bob Ryan's and Dan Shaughnessy's takes on last night's Celtics/Lakers game. His conclusion:

... I wish Danny boy would take a buy-out and start writing for the NY Post or something. Moron.

By adamg - 6/4/08 - 12:44 pm

I know, I know, that's territory best left for the CHB, but Pax Arcana gets annoyed at the way Ryan keeps ripping into Bill Simmons on his blog without actually mentioning his name, let alone linking to whatever it is Simmons wrote online that got Ryan all riled up.

... It seems that Ryan is falling into the trap of playing by print rules on Web turf. I don't advocate using the Web as a platform for slander or ad hominem attacks on other writers - I'm arguing that where print venues once conferred upon columnists the ability to call down the thunder from on high with thinly veiled insults, the Internet requires greater frankness. If you hadn't read Simmons' column already, you may have no idea who Ryan is talking about. Even if you could guess who he was referencing, you'd still have to click multiple times to find it - only to be disappointed that you waded all the way over there for what amounts to a minor schoolyard dust-up. ...

Here is what got Ryan's knickers in a bunch.

By adamg - 4/30/08 - 1:09 pm

Could Bob Ryan be blogging about this Curse Boy train wreck of a column when he writes the following?

Have we no institutional memory? People are beginning to act as if something odd is going on in the Celtics-Hawks series, as if we've never seen this before.

If so, that would be so cool.

By adamg - 10/16/07 - 8:13 pm

Bob Ryan got librarians all riled up by writing that Tom Brady would never date "a homely librarian." Ryan responds to all the librarians who wrote him to co

By adamg - 11/28/06 - 8:32 am

David Scott has the deets on the sportsy cat fight, which so far actually seems limited to Ryan howling about Bill Simmons and Simmons j

By adamg - 7/13/06 - 3:13 pm

That compliment having been made, however, it was odd to read him today complaining about the amount of wasted newsprint and verbiage on Manny's All

By adamg - 5/17/06 - 9:25 am

Over at Boston Sports Media Watch, Bruce Allen summarizes what he's learned about the local sports media in the four year's he's been following them.

By adamg - 5/3/06 - 1:11 pm

Bruce Allen puts off flying to California for his wedding and honeymoon just long enough to post results from the annual Boston Sports Media Watch best/